

Action Builder Overview
Action Builder is a self-service tool that you can use to create actions to use in Web experiences. These actions can make major or minor changes to your site without touching any code. You can configure actions in such a way to make them reusabl...
Actions List Page
The Actions list page shows all the actions created in an account. To access it click COMPONENTS in the top navigation bar, and then select Actions . Like many other list pages in the Monetate platform, the Actions list page is a table th...
Action Descriptions
Action Builder has five categories of actions that you can build. Inserting New Content The Insert Content tab contains options to build actions that insert images, HTML content, CSS styles, or JavaScript as well as to duplicate ...
Action Slotting
To prevent duplicate actions from firing, Monetate actions have slots. Slotting enables action prioritization. If two actions have the same slot, only the action with the highest priority displays. How Monetate Defines a Slot A standard action c...
Content Masking
Content masking hides an element or holds an element on a page until after Monetate's actions complete, which thus allows all site elements to appear at the same time. You cannot use content masking with the asynchronous version o...
Fix Action-Rendering Issues with React Applications
Some Monetate actions, such as Insert HTML actions, may not always perform as expected in a single-page React application. React may produce warnings and revert content, depending on the application and the use of these actions. For this example,...
Manage Flicker
Flicker is a visual artifact that renders for a site visitor as content loads. It's most often caused by switching (or hiding) a section of your native site content with content served via another front-end technology, such as Monetate. ...
Flicker Troubleshooting
To troubleshoot any flicker issues that may be visible on your site, you should first download and install the Monetate Inspector browser plug-in. Experiences must be live for at least 30 minutes before content masking fires. Click C...
Actions FAQ
What is the difference between actions created by Monetate and client-created actions? The actions that Monetate builds, as designated by its logo, were tested by its engineers. Only Monetate employees can edit or delete these actions. ...