Journey Configuration

The Journey Configuration panel allows you to select various criteria to evaluate your customers' journey to get more granular insights or answers to specific questions. You can configure this query by making selections in the following sentence structure:

Journey Configuration panel for Journey Analytics.

Configuring the Customer Journey

You can configure the following options:

  • Show me: Select an experience to view customer journeys through, or view the journey through all configured experiences. You can select any experience that is active, paused, or ended. You cannot select experiences in draft, scheduled, or archived.
  • Using: Select a metric to assess. The available options reflect the options available as goals in the experience. The complete list of options are:
    • Conversion Rate (default)
    • New Customer Acquisition Rate
    • Add to Cart Rate
    • Abandon Cart Rate
    • Revenue Per Session
    • Average Page Views
    • Average Time on Site
    • Average Order Value
    • Purchase Count
  • For: Select the customer type to assess. By default, this is set to all customers. You can also select new customers or returning customers.
  • Ending At: Select the end point of the journey. You can select one endpoint to view journeys that lead to that end point, or select no end point to see journeys for all end points. The possible end points you can select from are the 25 page types with the most sessions and other important page types such as purchase, cart, product, wishlist, and order.
  • Within: Specify the number of interactions leading up to an endpoint. This is the number of steps you expect to see in a customer journey. You can specify a value between 1 and 10. The default is 2.

The default time frame for analytics data is the last full day of data. For example, if you are viewing this on January 2, the default data is from January 1. You can configure the time frame with a start date up to two years ago and an end date up to the last full day of data. The start and end date must be within six months of each other. If you are viewing a single experience, the time selection options automatically update to the dates the experience ran.

Click the Reset icon to return all journey configurations to the default selections. Resetting returns the Sankey diagram to the default state.

Setting an End Point

You can use an end point to highlight the various journeys that lead to a specific page to further help you get more specific insights. For example, if you want to see how long it takes for a customer to make a purchase, you can set the cart as an end point to view the journeys that get there.

After you set an end point in configuration, nodes that are in a path that lead to the end point have an icon indicating that they are part of an end point path.

The end point node is highlighted in green.