Section 5: Third-Party Analytics Platforms


Account Analytics
For the most part, Monetate expects to fall within a ±5% daily variance on universal metrics for orders, revenue, and visitors. There are contractual or tactical reasons why your variance might differ, but this exercise can help illuminate the cau...
Integrating Third-Party Analytics
Monetate doesn't report data for Product Recommendations for Email experiences nor Full-Page Test experiences to third-party platforms. Depending on your site structure, you may need to use JavaScript polling to ensure that Monetate co...
Follow these steps set up an integration with Contentsquare. Click the settings cog in the top navigation bar, and then select Integration . On the Third-Party Analytics tab, take one of the following actions: I...
Session Stream
Session Stream provides open access to raw Monetate session data. It allows you to join Monetate data with your own business data for more advanced analysis and to inform future personalization initiatives across all channels. You can use this...