Session Stream Overview

Session Stream provides open access to raw Monetate session data. It allows you to join Monetate data with your own business data for more advanced analysis and to inform future personalization initiatives across all channels. You can use this data in relational databases such as MySQL, data warehouses such as Amazon Redshift, or BI platforms such as Tableau and Domo.

Session Stream provides JSON data files compressed with Gzip in 15 minute increments. Each file contains raw data from every session that Monetate observed on your site during that time. Session Stream is available to all Monetate clients.

Accessing Session Stream

Session Stream is provided via Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP).

Click ANALYTICS in the top navigation bar, and then select Session Stream.

Callout of the 'Session Stream' option in the ANALYTICS menu

On the Sites page, click CREATE SFTP USER to configure an SFTP username and authentication method. If you've already created an SFTP user, then you can use those credentials to access Session Stream.

You must have the Administrator role in the Monetate platform to set up SFTP users.

Callout of the 'CREATE SFTP USER' button on the Sites page of the Monetate platform settings

Use your SFTP user credentials to access the server URL listed in the SFTP Users for Accessing the Session Stream and Uploads table on the Sites tab. All Session Stream files are available in the account_id/raw_data/session_stream/ directory. Files are organized hierarchically under the session_stream directory by four-digit year, two-digit month, then two-digit day. For example, the files from May 1, 2017, are in session_stream/2017/05/01/.

A Session Stream file is available for 820 days after it's generated.

Because each file contains raw data from every session that Monetate observed on your site, there can be thousands of files per day totaling several gigabytes depending on your site traffic.

Monetate names Session Stream files with a specific format. The following example filename is for a file from the 15-minute period starting May 1, 2017, at 3:45 AM: 20170501T034500.000Z_PT15M-1477542463784.json.gz.

The name consists of the following parts:

  • 20170501T034500.000Z — The date and time in ISO-8601 basic format. The date is encoded as YYYYMMDD and the time as hhmmss.sss. Z is the time zone indicator for Zulu time (UTC±00:00). This is always Z in Session Stream.
  • An underscore character (_)
  • PT15M — The duration of the time interval in ISO-8601 duration format. This is always 15 minutes in Session Stream.
  • A dash character (-)
  • 1477542463784 — A unique string that prevents name collisions between multiple files within the same time interval.

Remember that open sessions can last up to 12 hours, and all file timestamps are in UTC time. If you download the files for the prior day's data at 1 AM UTC, then you may miss some sessions that haven't closed yet. These sessions are available in the following day's files.

As an alternative to using an SFTP client, you can use a Python script to download the Session Stream files. See Programmatically Download Session Stream Files in the Monetate Developer Hub for more information.

Session Data Description

Session Stream contains data for any session that has ended, which occurs after 30 minutes of inactivity and persists for a maximum of 12 hours if a visitor is active at least once every 30 minutes. Each line in a file contains one JSON object that represents one session.

Nested Data

Each session is not a flat structure. In addition to basic information (browser, OS, and session time), the fields in the object and array types contain more detailed data and may each have no entries, one entry, or many entries per session. Variable-size fields include the following:

  • custom_targets
  • offers
  • page_event_ids
  • purchases
  • cart_lines
  • view_lines
  • purchase_lines

The purchase_lines field is doubly nested, and each value has the items field, which is variable-size.

Field Size Limits

The object and array fields described are limited to 1,000 items each to protect against tasks performed at a higher rate. A higher rate indicates the likelihood of a bot and nonhuman interaction.

This upper limit is not hard. You may see sessions with a few extra items. Fields with fewer than 1,000 items are always complete, but you should assume fields at or exceeding the size limit to be incomplete.

This table contains a more detailed description of the fields. Refer to the spec-compliant JSON schema for the precise format of the structure.

Field Type Description
account_id Number The unique numeric ID associated with your Monetate account.
browser String The browser used within the session.
browser_version String The specific version of the browser used in the session.
cart_lines Array A list of items carted, including product ID, SKU, and time for each item.
city String The visitor's city based on IP address.
country_code String ISO 3166-1 two-letter country code.
custom_targets Object Custom target IDs and values matched to a visitor in the session based on targets created in Target Builder. If you've configured an ID collector to collect names, e-mail address, and other data, then your custom target values may contain personal identifiable information (PII). PII can be sensitive or non-sensitive; be mindful if you're loading sensitive information into a data warehouse or BI platform.
customer_id String The unique customer ID value collected on the page during the session.
customer_link String A customer ID that was previously associated with the user in a prior session. This can differ from the customer_id value if the customer_id collected in the current session differed from the customer_id collected in a previous session.
device_type String The type of device used during the session deciphered through user agent string.
end_time Number Session end time in Unix milliseconds.
guid String String that uniquely identifies the Monetate session: account id: Monetate ID.
has_cart String String (t or f) to indicate whether the session viewed the cart page with an item in the cart.
has_new_customer String String (t or f) to indicate whether the visitor for this session represents a new customer. f indicates a returning customer.
has_product_view String String (t or f) to indicate whether a product page was viewed during the session.
has_purchase String String (t or f) to indicate whether a product was purchased during this session.
has_recommendation_cart String String (t or f) to indicate whether a recommended product was added to cart.
has_recommendation_click String String (t or f) to indicate whether a recommendation was clicked.
has_recommendation_impression String String (t or f) to indicate whether a recommendation was seen.
has_recommendation_purchase String String (t or f) to indicate whether a recommended product was purchased.
has_stealth String String (t or f) to indicate whether visitor is in Stealth Mode. This is configured within your account settings.
is_bounce String String (t or f) to indicate whether a visitor bounced during this session.
is_closed String String (t or f) to indicate whether the session is closed.
offers Object Experience split IDs and time when the split was first seen in Unix milliseconds.
os String Operating system.
os_version String Operating system version.
page_event_ids Object Page event IDs and time when that event was seen for the first time in Unix milliseconds.
page_views Number Number of page views that occurred within the session.
page_views_ss Number Number of page views squared for statistical analysis.
product_view_count Number Number of product views.
purchase_count Number Number of purchases within the session.
purchase_lines Object A map of purchase IDs to maps containing detailed information about each purchase, including total value and time for each purchase, and product ID, SKU, unit price, and quantity for each product in a purchase.
purchase_value_ss Number Purchase values squared and summed for statistical analysis.
purchases Object Purchase IDs and their monetary values with each key-value pair representing one checkout. The purchase ID is provided by your integration and is not defined by Monetate.
region String Region code.
screen_height Number Visitor screen height.
screen_width Number Visitor screen width.
session_count Number Session count (always 1).
session_id String The ID that uniquely identifies this session and composed of the GUID, purchase count, start time, and end time.
session_value Number Total value of purchases within the session.
session_value_ss Number Total value of session purchases squared for statistical analysis.
start_time Number Session start time in Unix milliseconds.
time_on_site Number Time on site in seconds during the session.
time_on_site_ss Number Time on site in seconds squared for statistical analysis.
view_lines Array A list of products viewed, including product ID and time for each item.

See Making Use of Session Stream Data in the Monetate Developer Hub for more information about options to transform Session Stream raw data.

Retrieving Interpretable Values

Session Stream uses unique IDs rather than interpretable names for values such as offer and page event IDs. Monetate provides unique IDs because these IDs never change, whereas you can change the display name of variants and page events within the platform. This means that data received through Session Stream always refers to the same data objects within Monetate and results in zero duplicate data entries on your end.

Titles can be valuable, so Monetate provides you with access to the Monetate Metadata API. This API allows you to request interpretable values for offers, page events, and target IDs for display in your data warehouse or BI tool.

For more information about the Monetate Metadata API, see Get Interpretable Values with the Metadata API in the Monetate Developer Hub.