Build a Page URL Event

Use events based on page URLs to track if a customer visits a certain page or set of pages. For example, you can track when a site visitor lands on a page that contains the word sale in the URL.

Follow these steps to build an event based on a page URL.

  1. Click COMPONENTS in the top navigation bar and then click Events.

    Callout of the Events option in the COMPONENTS menu

  2. Click CREATE EVENT.

    Callout of the CREATE EVENT button

  3. Click the Page URL tab.

    Callout of the Page URL tab of Event Builder

  4. Click the type of value comparison you want the event to perform.

    The Page URL tab of Event Builder showing the six types of value comparison options

  5. Type the text or numerical value into the text field on the Conditions tab. To add addition values, if necessary, click the plus sign.

    Callout of the field for inputting the text or numeric value of the URL and the plus sign button

  6. Optionally, further limit the event to a specific page type, URL, time, page category, cart value, or other condition. Click ADD CONDITION, select a condition category and specific filter option, and then configure the condition equation. Click the forward arrow.

    Callout of the ADD CONDITION selector

  7. Type a name for the event into Event Title, type a summary into Description, and then click CREATE & EXIT.

    Callout of the Event Title field, the Description field, and the CREATE & EXIT button

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