November 6, 2024
- Resolved an issue that prevented some recommendation strategies from being deleted even when they weren't associated with any experiences.
- Resolved an issue that caused the Datasets list page to load slowly.
- Resolved an issue so that now clients can now download large custom reports without the process timing out or being interrupted.
- Resolved a Dynamic Bundles issue so that now a combination of static and dynamic product category filters joined by OR logic returns results.
October 22, 2024
- Changed how the Engine API determines session bounds to include page events.
- Resolved an issue that caused some recommendation strategies to incorrectly be stuck in the
October 8, 2024
Resolved an issue that caused dataset details pages to load slowly.
September 24, 2024
- Resolved an issue so that products configured in the Pinned products field of recommendations actions now correctly appear at the beginning of the recommendations results.
- A variety of performance improvements have reduced the load time for a slotted recommendation's configuration page.
September 10, 2024
- The new On-site search terms option in the Behavior category of an experience's WHO settings allows clients to target visitors who, while in their current Monetate session, searched for one or more terms specified in the target's configuration.
To use this target, you must ensure that you've implemented the
method or, if you're an Engine API client, that you includemonetate:context:SearchView
in the request. - Resolved an issue so that products identified by the Newest recommendation algorithm now appear as anticipated based on those products' availability information.
August 27, 2024
- Resolved a Dynamic Bundles issue that caused product category–filters to be incorrectly paired with recommendation strategy–level filters when at least one of the latter filters uses OR filter logic.
- Resolved an issue that prevented the Engine API from tracking new customer conversions.
August 13, 2024
Resolved an issue so that each product image in a Product Recommendations for Email message are now linked to the correct corresponding product page on the retailer's site.
July 30, 2024
- The search term URL redirect function of the Monetate Personalized Search feature is now available. When configured, this function redirects a customer using a specific search term to a specific page on the retailer site.
Contact your dedicated Customer Success Manager (CSM) to learn how to add this feature to your contract.
- The new Is bot traffic option in the Technographics category of an experience's WHO settings allows clients to block search engines and bots from an experience while it's being tested so that the same experience can be consistently delivered to search engines.
July 16, 2024
Resolved an issue so that now when a session falls into a Stealth Group that's configured to force assignment to control, it's no longer eligible for any experience that doesn't contain any control variants. Previously, those sessions were recorded as having been assigned to a nonexistent control variant in these experiences, causing analytics anomalies.
July 2, 2024
- Monetate Personalized Search, which enhances the shopping experience by delivering highly relevant search results tailored to each individual shopper, is now available.
Contact your dedicated Customer Success Manager (CSM) to learn how to add this feature to your contract.
- Resolved an issue so that now the iOS (All) option on the Operating system WHO Technographics target correctly identifies customers using iPads running any of the available versions of the iOS operating system so that they can potentially qualify for experiences.
- Resolved an issue that prevented products from appearing in a Product Recommendations for Email experience preview.
June 18, 2024
- Resolved an issue so that any labels set in an experience for third-party analytics reporting appear in the reports
- The Android version of the Monetate SDK has been enhanced as follows:
- The SDK now includes a provision for generating a Monetate ID
- Clients can now pass the action type array of string in the decision request and no longer need to deploy the SDK every time actions are added or deleted in Monetate
- Resolved an issue caused by the use of a special character in product catalog column headers that subsequently prevented Dynamic Bundle actions from performing correctly
June 4, 2024
The iOS and React Native versions of the Monetate SDK have been enhanced as follows:
- The SDKs now include a provision for generating a Monetate ID
- Clients can now pass the action type array of string in the decision request and no longer need to deploy the SDK every time actions are added or deleted in Monetate
May 21, 2024
- Resolved an issue that prevented the Product detail page > Detail page includes product where SKU= action condition from working correctly.
- Resolved an issue so that the Customer Attributes datasets eligible to appear in the Datasets WHO target type category also appear on the Customer Attributes view of the Datasets list page.
May 7, 2024
- Resolved an issue that prevented Boost and Bury filters from correctly working with date-time filtering values used with a comparison operator.
- The REQUEST TECHNICAL SUPPORT link in the Monetate platform footer has been updated to connect to the Monetate Technical Support portal (
April 23, 2024
In the Dynamic Bundles action templates, the default value for Minimum products returned is now 2
, and the default value for Maximum products returned is now 9
April 9, 2024
- Resolved an issue so that now the Datasets list page loads correctly the first time.
- Resolved an issue so that now users can download experience analytics raw data in a CSV file.
- The Dynamic Bundles action can now display up to nine total products, which includes the product on which the bundle is based if Prepend context item in recommendation is enabled in the bundle's configuration.
- Resolved an issue that prevented a Dynamic Bundles action from performing as expected when Prepend context item in recommendation is enabled and the product categories use certain filters in the bundle.
March 26, 2024
- Resolved an issue so that now clients can successfully download a custom report that has special characters in its name.
- Certain Monetate-created default Product Recommendations action templates have been revised.
- Some instructional text that appears in some of these action templates has been revised for clarity.
- The template names and default subcategory names that appear on the Action Type panel and on the Actions list page have changed.
- The default value for the Minimum products returned field is now 2, and the default value for the Maximum products returned field is now 10 in some of these action templates.
Except for the instructional text revisions, the changes are limited to the default recommendations-related action templates that Monetate adds to a new Product Recommendations client account on request. If you're an existing Product Recommendations client and want the revised action templates added to your account, contact your dedicated Customer Success Manager (CSM).
March 12, 2024
- Resolved an issue so that now the attribute selector for a filter no longer automatically selects the attribute of an existing filter or a previously deleted filter in these uses:
- For Global Filters on the Global Settings tab of the Product Recommendations page
- For recommendation filters and Boost and Bury filters on the recommendation strategy configuration page
- For filters applied to answer options in a Product Finder questionnaire
- For product category filters, recommendation filters, and Boost and Bury filters in a Dynamic Bundle
- The
field has been added to the Monetate Metadata API to identify if an experience is client-side (js-tag
), Engine API (engine-api
), or email (email
February 27, 2024
- The Datasets list page has been modified not only so that it loads faster but also so that users can more quickly find a dataset.
- The default view is now the list of product catalogs, not all the datasets.
- The left-hand dataset category listing has been replaced by the View selector from which users can choose the dataset type they want to see.
- A search field has been added.
- Clients with the Dynamic Bundles feature can now use AND/OR logic for product category filters and for product recommendations filters.
- The Boost and Bury function is now available in the Dynamic Bundles feature.
- Boost and Bury filters for recommendation strategies now support dynamic values.
- Resolved an issue so that now the Trending Items by Purchase Count recommendations algorithm completes processing when configured to includes online and offline purchase data in a recommendation strategy.
February 13, 2024
- Three new Social Proof action templates are now available. The Social Proof Cart Page template is configured for use on a cart page. The Social Proof Product Listing Page template is configured for use on any page displaying multiple product IDs, such as product category listings, index pages, and search results pages. The Social Proof Product Detail Page template is configured for use on any page for a single product ID.
- Resolved an issue so that now inventory-based Social Proof actions no longer display a message on products with zero inventory.
- The value of the Units per Transaction metric is now reported to the tenths decimal place.
January 30, 2024
Clients that have the Dynamic Bundles feature can now preview a bundle from its configuration page as soon as the platform has finished processing the recommendation algorithm.
January 17, 2024
- Resolved an issue that prevented users from duplicating into the same account as well as into another account an experience configured with any type of Product Recommendations action or with a Dynamic Bundles action.
- Resolved an issue so that now clients can save an experience with a Trending type of Social Proof action configured with a noncollaborative recommendation strategy that's been processed.
January 4, 2024
- An optional JavaScript editor has been added to the recommendations action template, the recommendations slider with slotting action template, and the Dynamic Bundles action template.
You must contact your dedicated Customer Success Manager (CSM) and request that the updated action templates be added to your account.
- Resolved an issue so that now when you duplicate an experience with an image-based action, the link URL, title, and alt text appear in the experience copy.
- The STATUS column has been added to the Dynamic Bundles list page. A green icon indicates that a bundle has successfully been processed, and a yellow icon indicates the bundle is still being processed.
- A variety of perfomance improvements have reduced the load times for the recommendation strategy configuration page and the bundle configuration page.
- The Monetate Metadata API's metadata experience-summary endpoint now includes the
goal metric variable and thevariant_splits
intended traffic split variable to better capture experience details. - The
endpoint in the Monetate Metadata API has been deprecated and replaced with the/variant
endpoint. - The text prompt that appears in the search bar on the Recommendation Strategies list page and on the Dynamic Bundles list page has been revised.
- You can now configure a Product Recommendations action with two fallback strategies as well as select a product catalog attribute on which duplicate recommended products are removed from the results.