June 18, 2024

  • Resolved an issue so that any labels set in an experience for third-party analytics reporting appear in the reports
  • The Android version of the Monetate SDK has been enhanced as follows:
    • The SDK now includes a provision for generating a Monetate ID
    • Clients can now pass the action type array of string in the decision request and no longer need to deploy the SDK every time actions are added or deleted in Monetate
  • Resolved an issue caused by the use of a special character in product catalog column headers that subsequently prevented Dynamic Bundle actions from performing correctly

Restricted Content

Internal Distribution Only

An asterisk signifies that the story is related to one of the publicly announced updates.

  • CD3-2408 and CD3-2516 Resolved an issue so that any labels set in an experience for third-party analytics reporting appear in the reports*
  • SDKF-2370 and SDKF-2367 The Android version of the Monetate SDK has been enhanced as follows: The SDK now includes a provision for generating a Monetate ID; and clients can now pass the action type array of string in the decision request and no longer need to deploy the SDK every time actions are added or deleted in Monetate*
  • REC-947 Resolved an issue caused by the use of a special character in product catalog column headers that subsequently prevented Dynamic Bundle actions from performing correctly*
  • CD3-2337 Implement query parameters on dataset types on the Datasets list page
  • REC-965 UAT environment: Slotted recs is not saved
  • DEC3-2012 Internal server error on Create Dynamic Bundles page
  • REC-961 and REC-922 Functional testing: Tickets testing on UAT environment from production deployment page
  • DEC3-2011 UI Automation suite execution on UAT environment
  • REC-960 External API suite execution and verification on UAT
  • SDKF-2374 [iOS SDK] Update iOS Demo App with latest SDK release
  • REC-950 [Manual Slotting] Manual slotting status does not update on list view and strategy details pages for real-time strategies
  • DEC3-1995 [Site Search MVP] Rebase the Experience API repository into Monetate Search API
  • DEC3-1992 [Site Search MVP] Integrate the catalog listing page with the Klevu's white-label solution
  • SDKF-2364 [SDK Changes to Support Ralph Lauren and Tilly's] React Native SDK Bug analysis: Tilly's peer dependencies issue
  • SDKF-2358 [SDK Changes to Support Ralph Lauren and Tilly's] React Native documentation — external
  • REC-923 [Manual Slotting] Rec strategy that's already selected for other slotted rec, and after deselect rec strategy and then try same strategy to new slotted red, the slotted rec isn't saved
  • REC-916 [Manual Slotting] Change the parent-child relationship of compound recs for slotted recs
  • SDKF-2344 [SDK Changes to Support Ralph Lauren and Tilly's] React Web & Native SDKs: Review and update the details for the SDK-related data
  • REC-845 [Recs v4 API Phase 2] Configure Recs v4 to be able to be tested on int boxes similar to how we do for Recs v3
  • REC-782 [Recs v4 Modeling Phase 2] Create method that generates runtime SQL query to return product recs
  • REC-916 [Manual Slotting] QA Testing: End-to-end slotted recs testing

Previous 2024 Releases

June 4, 2024

The iOS and React Native versions of the Monetate SDK have been enhanced as follows:

  • The SDKs now include a provision for generating a Monetate ID
  • Clients can now pass the action type array of string in the decision request and no longer need to deploy the SDK every time actions are added or deleted in Monetate

Restricted Content

Internal Distribution Only

An asterisk signifies that the story is related to one of the publicly announced updates.

  • SDKF-2371, SDKF-2357, SDKF-2333, SDKF-2366, and SDKF-2365 The iOS and React Native versions of the Monetate SDK have been enhanced as follows: The SDKs now include a provision for generating a Monetate ID; and clients can now pass the action type array of string in the decision request and no longer need to deploy the SDK every time actions are added or deleted in Monetate.*
  • SDKF-2373 [SDK Technical Improvements] iOS: Documentation — External
  • SDKF-2368 [SDK Technical Improvements] Quarterly Monetate Demo
  • DEC3-1990 [Site Search MVP] Update site_search_mapping table and add to Snowflake jobs to sync it to Snowflake
  • CD3-2473 [Experience Management API] Ensure monetate-caching compatibility
  • CD3-2462 Create a version 2 of Metadata API within monetate-io
  • CD3-2432 Reintroduce lazy loading and dataset search
  • CD3-2428 [Email Recs: Open to Click Consistency] Implement Cache
  • DEC3-1946 [Site Search MVP] Create bounce endpoint for Klevu SSO handoff
  • DEC3-1898 [Site Search MVP] Create a catalog listing page with catalogs linking to SSO bounce URL
  • CD3-2369 500 Internal Server error when viewing Airgas Action Performance Report

May 21, 2024

  • Resolved an issue that prevented the Product detail page > Detail page includes product where SKU= action condition from working correctly.
  • Resolved an issue so that the Customer Attributes datasets eligible to appear in the Datasets WHO target type category also appear on the Customer Attributes view of the Datasets list page.

Restricted Content

Internal Distribution Only

An asterisk signifies that the story is related to one of the publicly announced updates.

  • DEC3-1412 Resolved an issue that prevented the Product detail page > Detail page includes product where SKU= action condition from working correctly.*
  • CD3-2413 Resolved an issue so that the Customer Attributes datasets eligible to appear in the Datasets WHO target type category also appear on the Customer Attributes view of the Datasets list page.*
  • REC-933 External API suite execution and verification on UAT
  • SDKF-2363 Tilly's React Native SDK Peer Dependencies installation issue
  • CD3-2476 Split track_availability_delay for different dataset types and shorten product catalogs delay
  • REC-920 [Manual Slotting] Manual slotting products result are not getting on preview page
  • CD3-2464 Hackdays merge validation: Add suppport for updating 3PA TTL
  • CD3-2463 Hackdays merge validation: Flight Manual Additions
  • SDKF-2328 [SDK Technical Improvements] Android SDK: Error/Validation mechanism implementation for Account Details
  • SDKF-2345 [SDK Technical Improvements] iOS SDK: Review and update the details for the SDK-related Data
  • SDKF-2343 [SDK Technical Improvements] Android SDK: Review and update the details for the SDK-related Data
  • SDKF-2342 Implementing the 'includeReporting' flag in React Native SDK
  • DEC3-1952 Clean up script for deleting created Dynamic Bundles
  • CD3-2433 Tighten validation for Identifier Name to ensure bad cache keys cannot make it to eval
  • REC-835 [Recs v4 API Phase 2] Recs v4 catalog data ingest
  • REC-781 [Recs v4 Modeling Phase 2] Create VaV compute job logic

May 7, 2024

  • Resolved an issue that prevented Boost and Bury filters from correctly working with date-time filtering values used with a comparison operator.
  • The REQUEST TECHNICAL SUPPORT link in the Monetate platform footer has been updated to connect to the Monetate Technical Support portal (support.monetate.com).

Restricted Content

Internal Distribution Only

An asterisk signifies that the story is related to one of the publicly announced updates.

  • DEC3-1687 Resolved an issue that prevented Boost and Bury filters from correctly working with date-time filtering values used with a comparison operator.*
  • CD3-2465 The REQUEST TECHNICAL SUPPORT link in the Monetate platform footer has been updated to connect to the Monetate Technical Support portal (support.monetate.com).*
  • REC-922 Functional testing: Tickets testing on UAT environment from production deployment page
  • CD3-2464 Hackdays merge validation: Add suppport for updating 3PA TTL
  • DEC3-1970 [Site Search MVP] Create a MySQL query to grab a storefront's row in the site search mapping table from a given action ID
  • DEC3-1968 [Site Search MVP] Add Email column to Site Search mapping table
  • SDKF-2341 Implementing the 'includeReporting' flag in iOS SDK
  • SDKF-2340 Implementing the 'includeReporting' flag in Android SDK
  • SDKF-2339 [React Demo App P2] Fix React Native Application UI
  • REC-821 [Recs v4 API Phase 2] Create phoenix runtime feature flag and update existing feature flag to specify compute
  • SDKF-2335 [React Demo App P2] React Native App: Product Recommendation display — integration
  • DEC3-1931 [Site Search MVP] Search Action Logic
  • DEC3-1919 [Site Search MVP] Create a service to access the catalog pool and retrieve the catalog(s) of the customer account
  • CD3-2396 [John Lewis] Custom reports not including all rows
  • REC-843 [Recs v4 API Phase 2] QA Validation: Loader load Catalog
  • REC-823 [Recs v4 Modeling Phase 2] Recs model data ingest
  • REC-818 [Recs v4 API Phase 2] Evaluation skeleton function
  • REC-756 [Manual Slotting] Manual Slotting Recs are not marked as compound recs and so are missing related logic
  • SDKF-2072 [React Demo App P2] React Native App: Product Recommendation display UI

April 23, 2024

In the Dynamic Bundles action templates, the default value for Minimum products returned is now 2, and the default value for Maximum products returned is now 9.

Restricted Content

Internal Distribution Only

The asterisk signifies that the story is related to the publicly announced update.

  • DEC3-1960 In the Dynamic Bundles action templates, the default value for Minimum products returned is now 2, and the default value for Maximum products returned is now 9.*
  • CD3-2431 Update monetate-config-model and monetate-io to address serialization issues with predictive experiences
  • DEC3-1966 [QA] Functional testing of tickets from production deployment page
  • DEC3-1965 UI Automation suite execution on UAT environment
  • REC-908 External API suite execution and verification on UAT
  • REC-892 [QA] Virtual Int-Box Setup on local machine
  • REC-821 [Recs v4 Modeling Phase 2] recs v4 nightly job enablement sync
  • SDKF-2332 Add local validation for Error Reporting before API call
  • DEC3-1883 [Site Search MVP] Create a Site Search Op Shell
  • CD3-2326 [Snowflake Data Sharing Documentation] Make private listing for John Lewis
  • CD3-2183 Implement single row query for dataset active version: add model/table

April 9, 2024

  • Resolved an issue so that now the Datasets list page loads correctly the first time.
  • Resolved an issue so that now users can download experience analytics raw data in a CSV file.
  • The Dynamic Bundles action can now display up to nine total products, which includes the product on which the bundle is based if Prepend context item in recommendation is enabled in the bundle's configuration.
  • Resolved an issue that prevented a Dynamic Bundles action from performing as expected when Prepend context item in recommendation is enabled and the product categories use certain filters in the bundle.

Restricted Content

Internal Distribution Only

An asterisk signifies that the story is related to one of the publicly announced updates.

  • CD3-2378 Resolved an issue so that now the Datasets list page loads correctly the first time.*
  • CD3-2368 Resolved an issue so that now users can download experience analytics raw data in a CSV file.*
  • DEC3-1958 and DEC3-1959 The Dynamic Bundles action can now display up to nine total products, which can include the context product if Prepend context item in recommendation is enabled in the bundle's configuration.*
  • DEC3-1951 Resolved an issue that prevented a Dynamic Bundles action from performing as expected when Prepend context item in recommendation is enabled and the product categories use certain filters in the bundle.*
  • REC-903 External API suite execution and verification on UAT
  • REC-900 Runtime exception during new rec strategy creations
  • REC-859 [Gap AutoDiscovery] Price Based Query Op Campaigns Impacting the Scores from AD Across the Entire Account
  • CD3-2406 [Skechers] INQ-965: SP recs uses SKU instead of product ID before filtering returning no results
  • REC-875 Observing Inadequate Results from Certona Filters Gap brands (Legacy Search)
  • SDKF-2328 [SDK Technical Improvements] Android: Removal of monetateId 'auto-generation' feature from SDK
  • SDKF-2324 [iOS SDK] Remove Singleton instance of Personalisation Class from iOS SDK
  • REC-822 [Recs v4 Modeling Phase 2] algo to job logic mapping
  • CD3-2286 [Snowflake Data Sharing — Technical] Update monetate-config-model repository to align with changes about test groups
  • CD3-2285 [Snowflake Data Sharing — Technical] Fetch the test group (variant) details from newly created table campaign_campaignvariant

March 26, 2024

  • Resolved an issue so that now clients can successfully download a custom report that has special characters in its name.
  • Certain Monetate-created default Product Recommendations action templates have been revised.
    • Some instructional text that appears in some of these action templates has been revised for clarity.
    • The template names and default subcategory names that appear on the Action Type panel and on the Actions list page have changed.
    • The default value for the Minimum products returned field is now 2, and the default value for the Maximum products returned field is now 10 in some of these action templates.

    Except for the instructional text revisions, the changes are limited to the default recommendations-related action templates that Monetate adds to a new Product Recommendations client account on request. If you're an existing Product Recommendations client and want the revised action templates added to your account, contact your dedicated Customer Success Manager (CSM).

Restricted Content

Internal Distribution Only

An asterisk signifies that the story is related to one of the publicly announced updates.

  • CD3-2343 Resolved an issue so that now clients can successfully download a custom report that has special characters in its name.*
  • REC-766 and REC-697 Certain Monetate-created default Product Recommendations action templates have been revised. Some instructional text that appears in some of these action templates has been revised for clarity. The template names and default subcategory names that appear on the Action Type panel and on the Actions list page have changed. The default value for the Minimum products returned field is now 2, and the default value for the Maximum products returned field is now 10 in some of these action templates. Except for the instructional text revisions, the changes are limited to the default recommendations-related action templates that Monetate adds to a new Product Recommendations client account on request.*
  • CD3-2399 Fix flaky adidas test
  • REC-884 Add account-level option to only return requested fields for Omni Recs actions
  • CD3-2372 Load data from 1/22 forward for social_proof_impression
  • DEC3-1912 [Search MVP] Search: Identify & create 'test cases' for current sprint search stories
  • DEC3-1909 Dynamic Bundles Automation test cases from testrail Part 3
  • REC-859 Investigate Recs report discrepancy
  • CD3-2361 [Snowflake Data Sharing — Technical] Add customer ID to sv_session_summary tables
  • SDKF-2129 [React Demo App P2] React Native App: Reporting Events Part 1
  • SDKF-2319 [React Demo App P2] React Native App: Reporting Events Part 2
  • CD3-2327 INQ 913: Third-party reporting — 'custom label' expectations
  • CD3-2314 [Backend] Dataset List UI performance — Lazy Loading & Filter Box
  • DEC3-1904 [Automation] Dynamic Bundle functional test cases for Dynamic Bundle Details Page Part 1
  • CD3-2306 [Frontend] Dataset List UI performance — Lazy Loading & Filter Box
  • REC-780 [Recs v4 Modeling Phase 2] Create new bare-bones service for recs-compute inside monetate-recommendations codebase
  • CD3-2265 [Snowflake Data Sharing Documentation] Documentation for all Session views

March 12, 2024

  • Resolved an issue so that now the attribute selector for a filter no longer automatically selects the attribute of an existing filter or a previously deleted filter in these uses:
    • For Global Filters on the Global Settings tab of the Product Recommendations page
    • For recommendation filters and Boost and Bury filters on the recommendation strategy configuration page
    • For filters applied to answer options in a Product Finder questionnaire
    • For product category filters, recommendation filters, and Boost and Bury filters in a Dynamic Bundle
  • The integration_type field has been added to the Monetate Metadata API to identify if an experience is client-side (js-tag), Engine API (engine-api), or email (email).

Restricted Content

Internal Distribution Only

An asterisk signifies that the story is related to one of the publicly announced updates.

  • DEC3-1860 Resolved an issue so that now the attribute selector for a filter no longer automatically selects the attribute of an existing filter or a previously deleted filter in recommendation filters, Boost and Bury filters, and other related filters when configuring a recommendation strategy, Product Finder questionnaire, global filters, and Dynamic Bundles.*
  • CD3-2317 The integration_type field has been added to the Monetate Metadata API to identify if an experience is client-side (js-tag), Engine API (engine-api), or email (email).*
  • REC-872 External API suite execution and verification on UAT
  • REC-870 Fix dateutil tox tests
  • CD3-2384 [Progressive] Contentstack CMS actions throwing 421 error
  • REC-862 Fix monetate-recommendations .tox dependencies
  • DEC3-1911 UI Automation suite execution on UAT environment
  • REC-855 Replace CTG-VM-NET1-4 Certona Virtual Environments (VMs)
  • DEC3-1901 Functional testing: Tickets testing on QA-Int-Box and UAT environment from production deployment page
  • DEC3-1900 [Search MVP] Site Search Mapping Table in monetete_config
  • DEC3-1895 [Search MVP] Create a feature flag for Site Search
  • DEC3-1889 Manual Testing: Test case writing for Recs module testing — Implementation done for Run Precompute button
  • REC-829 [Similar Items Performance Improvements] Implement static filter for SI v2
  • CD3-2325 [Snowflake Data Sharing Documentation] Prepare Monetate Snowflake data-sharing listing permissions
  • REC-820 [Recs v4 Modeling Phase 2] Webui recset model (serializer)
  • REC-805 [Recs v4 Modeling Phase 2] Create feature flag for Recs v4
  • CD3-2321 [Snowflake Data Sharing Documentation] Prepare internal docs for Monetate Snowflake data-sharing secure share
  • REC-794 [Recs v4 Modeling Phase 2] Create Recs v4 helper function to delete a recset-model relationship
  • DEC3-1904 [Automation] Dynamic Bundle functional test cases for Dynamic Bundle details page part 1
  • DEC3-1821 [Python 3.7 Upgrade Phase 1] Configure intboxes for monetate-server in Python 3.7
  • CD3-2249 [Snowflake Data Sharing — Technical] Set up Metadata views

February 27, 2024

  • The Datasets list page has been modified not only so that it loads faster but also so that users can more quickly find a dataset.
    • The default view is now the list of product catalogs, not all the datasets.
    • The left-hand dataset category listing has been replaced by the View selector from which users can choose the dataset type they want to see.
    • A search field has been added.
  • Clients with the Dynamic Bundles feature can now use AND/OR logic for product category filters and for product recommendations filters.
  • The Boost and Bury function is now available in the Dynamic Bundles feature.
  • Boost and Bury filters for recommendation strategies now support dynamic values.
  • Resolved an issue so that now the Trending Items by Purchase Count recommendations algorithm completes processing when configured to includes online and offline purchase data in a recommendation strategy.

Restricted Content

Internal Distribution Only

An asterisk signifies that the story is related to one of the publicly announced updates.

  • CD3-2283 and CD3-2354 The Datasets list page has been modified not only so that it loads faster but also so that users can more quickly find a dataset. The default view is now the list of product catalogs, not all the datasets. The left-hand dataset category listing has been replaced by the View selector from which users can choose the dataset type they want to see. A search field has been added.*
  • DEC3-1608 Clients with the Dynamic Bundles feature can now use AND/OR logic for product category filters and for product recommendations filters.*
  • DEC3-1899 The Boost and Bury function is now available in the Dynamic Bundles feature.*
  • DEC3-1863 Boost and Bury filters for recommendation strategies now support dynamic values.*
  • REC-738 Resolved an issue so that now the Trending Items by Purchase Count recommendations algorithm completes processing when configured to includes online and offline purchase data in a recommendation strategy.*
  • DEC3-1907 Feature Flag: When user clicks feature flag then screen is not loaded and results in 500 Internal Server Error
  • PER-909 Change recs in email cache control headers for Gmail compatibility
  • DEC3-1897 UI Automation suite execution on UAT environment
  • REC-850 External API suite execution and verification on UAT
  • CD3-2350 Dynamic Bundles: Unable to select product catalog and attribute in Dynamic Bundles details page — continuously loading icon is displayed
  • DEC3-1871 Prepare Town Hall demos
  • DEC3-1870 Recommendations pinned products: Pinned product flag when set to 'YES' in recoms details page on save click was not saved — in response it was set to false again from backend logic
  • DEC3-1869 Provide custom variable support in Dynamic Bundles JSON
  • REC-789 [Recs v4 Modeling Phase 2] Create recs v4 helper function to create a new model
  • DEC3-1842 [Recs Testing] Get credentials into intbox for precompute service
  • CD3-2197 [Count Page Events per Session] Backend: Update analytics API to return raw page event count
  • DEC3-1894 Preview results not working for Dynamic Bundles for manual curation Onboarded Datasets
  • REC-851 Functional testing: Tickets testing on UAT environment from production deployment page

February 13, 2024

  • Three new Social Proof action templates are now available. The Social Proof Cart Page template is configured for use on a cart page. The Social Proof Product Listing Page template is configured for use on any page displaying multiple product IDs, such as product category listings, index pages, and search results pages. The Social Proof Product Detail Page template is configured for use on any page for a single product ID.
  • Resolved an issue so that now inventory-based Social Proof actions no longer display a message on products with zero inventory.
  • The value of the Units per Transaction metric is now reported to the tenths decimal place.

Restricted Content

Internal Distribution Only

An asterisk signifies that the story is related to one of the publicly announced updates.

  • CD3-2257 Resolved an issue so that now inventory-based Social Proof actions no longer display a message on products with zero inventory*
  • CD3-2213 The value of the Units per Transaction metric is now reported to the tenths decimal place.*
  • CD3-2258 Three new Social Proof action templates are now available. The Social Proof Cart Page template is configured for use on a cart page. The Social Proof Product Listing Page template is configured for use on any page displaying multiple product IDs, such as product category listings, index pages, and search results pages. The Social Proof Product Detail Page template is configured for use on any page for a single product ID.*
  • CD3-2320 Update support login page redirects to Monetate Knowledge Base path
  • REC-798 Create recs v4 modeling job tables
  • DEC3-1852 [Dynamic Bundles Boost and Bury Support] Reorder sections on Recs and Dynamic Bundles details page
  • REC-792 [Manual Slotting] Filter Compound Recs out of Social Proof
  • REC-791 [Manual Slotting] Filter Compound Recs out of Product Finder
  • REC-777 [Manual Slotting] Manual Slotting (like other compound recs) should not appear in fallback strategies
  • CD3-2296 [Looker Migration from Kibo to Monetate] Prepare repository for Looker GitHub synchronisation and release process
  • CD3-2290 [Snowflake Data Sharing—Technical] Backfilling campaign_campaignvariant for all existing campagins and campaign_groups
  • REC-735 Re-implement fitment grouping for collab ranks/test case
  • REC-737 Castorama France — Minimum threshold for PAP and FBT strategies doesn't seem to apply
  • DEC3-1632 [Dynamic Bundles — Return Context Item] First item to be styled differently using CSS and JavaScript
  • SDKF-2069 [React Native App] Static Cart Page Screen
  • SDKF-1855 [React Native App] Banner UI Development

January 30, 2024

Clients that have the Dynamic Bundles feature can now preview a bundle from its configuration page as soon as the platform has finished processing the recommendation algorithm.

Restricted Content

Internal Distribution Only

The asterisk signifies that the story is related to the publicly announced update.

  • DEC3-1609 Clients that have the Dynamic Bundle feature can now preview a bundle from its configuration page as soon as the platform has finished processing the recommendation algorithm.* (Released as part of the January 4 code push.)
  • DEC3-1854 Dynamic Bundles results not getting rendered on Lovehoney Site
  • DEC3-1853 Dynamic Bundles not working on demo site
  • REC-767 [Manual Slotting] Enhance the slotting details page drop-downs to show correct list of strategies
  • CD3-2291 [Snowflake Data Sharing—Technical] Re-introduce All Shared Views + Mapping
  • CD3-2287 [Snowflake Data Sharing—Technical] Create a mapping table for campaign_campaignvariant on Snowflake
  • DEC3-1835 Make the Component field optional on Dynamic Bundles Omnichannel action page
  • REC-750 [Manual Slotting] Recommendation strategy drop-down: Manual slotting and Dynamic Bundle strategy list is showing in drop-down
  • CD3-2281 [adidas] Consumer Data Privacy API — Delete requests stuck in pending
  • CD3-2275 [Looker Migration] Revert URL changes in looker_report.py and hosts in CM
  • REC-720 [Recs Performance Improvements] Port VLP to Precompute
  • SDKF-2275 [React Native App] Static PDP
  • DEC3-1764 [Recs Testing] Add environment config to support deleting queue entry after processing
  • DEC3-1756 [Recs Testing] Monetate_recs artifact — Create a specific snowflake_vpc account
  • REC-668 [Similar Items Modeling] Similar Items v2 modeling performance improvements
  • SDKF-2068 [React Native App] Redux Store integration PDP
  • SDKF-2067 [React Native App] Redux Store integration PLP
  • CD3-1758 Dataset Upload History page UI Updates for 180-day retention

January 17, 2024

  • Resolved an issue that prevented users from duplicating into the same account as well as into another account an experience configured with any type of Product Recommendations action or with a Dynamic Bundles action.
  • Resolved an issue so that now clients can save an experience with a Trending type of Social Proof action configured with a noncollaborative recommendation strategy that's been processed.

Restricted Content

Internal Distribution Only

An asterisk signifies that the story is related to one of the publicly announced updates.

  • REC-773 Resolved an issue that prevented users from duplicating into the same account as well as into another account an experience configured with any type of Product Recommendations action or with a Dynamic Bundles action.*
  • CD3-2268 Resolved an issue so that now clients can save an experience with a Trending type of Social Proof action configured with a noncollaborative recommendation strategy that's been processed.*
  • DEC3-1845 UI Automation suite execution on UAT environment
  • REC-786 Functional testing: Tickets testing on UAT Environment from production deployment page
  • REC-784 External API suite execution and verification on UAT
  • REC-783 Write testcases for de-dupe architecture
  • REC-763 [Manual Slotting] Experience is Active with manual slotting strategy, but manual strategy details page when click Delete button from details page Active experience is not showing in delete box
  • CD3-2284 [Snowflake Data Sharing—Technical] Create a mapping table for campaign_campaignvariant and the save functionality on campaign group update
  • REC-754 [Manual Slotting] When Experience is active with manual slotting strategy, but on View Associate Experiences modal experience is not showing on details page
  • SDKF-2298 [React Native App] Static PLP
  • CD3-2279 Updated all old Monetate Knowledge Base to the correct path
  • REC-729 [Manual Slotting] Manual Slotting Runtime eval: Add handler for get_records_for_recset
  • CD3-2252 [Social Proof Impression Analytics Phase 1] QA: Social Proof Impression Analytics — Functional testing on UAT
  • CD3-2221 [Snowflake Data Sharing—Technical] Write the scripts for SRE to use to enable and disable the feature for clients
  • CD3-2186 [Looker Migration from Kibo to Monetate] Swap out URLs and dashboards according to the mapping of old to new links
  • REC-580 [Manual Slotting] Frontend: Getting the Status field working for List View and Strategy Details page
  • SDKF-2097 [React Native App] Splash Screen
  • CD3-1611 Add retention handling to Dataset API endpoints
  • DEC3-1817 Looker-Planhat API Integration Script
  • DEC3-1765 [Recs Testing] Precompute needs to be running by default on intboxes
  • DEC3-1638 [Dynamic Bundles Boost and Bury Support] Backend: Providing dynamic filter support for Boost and Bury

January 4, 2024

  • An optional JavaScript editor has been added to the recommendations action template, the recommendations slider with slotting action template, and the Dynamic Bundles action template.

    You must contact your dedicated Customer Success Manager (CSM) and request that the updated action templates be added to your account.

  • Resolved an issue so that now when you duplicate an experience with an image-based action, the link URL, title, and alt text appear in the experience copy.
  • The STATUS column has been added to the Dynamic Bundles list page. A green icon indicates that a bundle has successfully been processed, and a yellow icon indicates the bundle is still being processed.
  • A variety of perfomance improvements have reduced the load times for the recommendation strategy configuration page and the bundle configuration page.
  • The Monetate Metadata API's metadata experience-summary endpoint now includes the goals goal metric variable and the variant_splits intended traffic split variable to better capture experience details.
  • The /experience endpoint in the Monetate Metadata API has been deprecated and replaced with the /variant endpoint.
  • The text prompt that appears in the search bar on the Recommendation Strategies list page and on the Dynamic Bundles list page has been revised.
  • You can now configure a Product Recommendations action with two fallback strategies as well as select a product catalog attribute on which duplicate recommended products are removed from the results.

Restricted Content

Internal Distribution Only

An asterisk signifies that the story is related to one of the publicly announced updates.

  • DEC3-1788 An optional JavaScript editor has been added to the recommendations action template, the recommendations slider with slotting action template, and the Dynamic Bundles action template.*
  • DEC3-1586 Resolved an issue so that now when you duplicate an experience with an image-based action, the link URL, title, and alt text appear in the experience copy.*
  • DEC3-1628 The STATUS column has been added to the Dynamic Bundles list page. A green icon indicates that a bundle has successfully been processed, and a yellow icon indicates the bundle is still being processed.*
  • DEC3-1454 A variety of perfomance improvements have reduced the load times for the recommendation strategy configuration page and the bundle configuration page.*
  • CD3-2039 The Monetate Metadata API's metadata experience-summary endpoint now includes the goals goal metric variable and the variant_splits intended traffic split variable to better capture experience details.*
  • CD3-1926 The /experience endpoint in the Monetate Metadata API has been deprecated and replaced with the /variant endpoint.*
  • REC-659 The text prompt that appears in the search bar on the Recommendation Strategies list page and on the Dynamic Bundles list page has been revised.*
  • REC-573 You can now configure a Product Recommendations action with two fallback strategies as well as select a product catalog attribute on which duplicate recommended products are removed from the results.*
  • REC-757 [US Foods] Enhance personalized search API to support device ID
  • REC-749 When click rec strategy, slotted rec and Dynamic Bundle, Product Finder page, internal server error is displayed and the page is not loading any data
  • REC-744 Functional testing: Tickets testing on UAT environment from production deployment page
  • REC-741 [Recs Dedupe Architecture] Revert merge for REC-498
  • REC-716 Update precompute tests for multi-string/product_type filter fix
  • DEC3-1795 Rename action from 'Dynamic Bundles Action' to 'Dynamic Bundles'
  • DEC3-1787 Fix GeoIP IP return issues in monetate-server tests
  • SDKF-2271 [React Native App] Home Page creation page part 2
  • CD3-2248 [Snowflake Data Sharing—Technical] Set up one-to-many session summary / fact Views
  • DEC3-1784 [Product Recommendations] Problem with nested Boolean filters with only a single subfilter for precompute (non_collab, collab)
  • SDKF-2270 Test React Web SDK
  • SDKF-2265 [React Native App] Learning Phase Part 1 React Native App Dev
  • SDKF-2266 [React Native App] Learning Phase Part 2 React Native App Dev
  • DEC3-1766 [Recs Testing] New API endpoint to add entry to recs_precompute_queue
  • DEC3-1763 [Dynamic Bundles] Precompute Override flag is not getting set properly on Recsets that have had their filter changed
  • CD3-2222 [Snowflake Data Sharing—Technical] Create mapping tables to control row level permissions
  • CD3-2220 [Snowflake Data Sharing—Technical] Set up all-in-one session summary table in Monetate database
  • DEC3-1760 [Recs Testing] Run Precompute button on any recs detail page on Intbox
  • DEC3-1758 [Recs Testing] Monetate_recs artifact — Ensure empty precompute queue
  • DEC3-1753 [Dynamic Bundles] Dynamic Bundles and Recs Text changes
  • DEC3-1752 Remove 'Complete the Look' action for JD Sports prod site
  • CD3-2203 [Triggers Beta] Fix deployment of email trigger executor for Trigger end to end
  • DEC3-1748 [Dynamic Bundles] Remove .idx field and its usage from CTL react pages
  • REC-665 Onboarded recommendation strategies not showing results
  • SDKF-2251 [iOS SDK] Test SDK Version reporting functionality for iOS
  • DEC3-1737 [Recs Testing] Getting the Importer script to work on Intbox
  • REC-657 [Manual Slotting] Fix the search input text 'Search by bundle name' to 'Search by name'
  • SDKF-2227 [iOS SDK] Omni Data Collection Action Integration
  • DEC3-1719 First-Party Proxy validation is failing and preventing settings from being saved
  • REC-635 [Recs Performance Improvements] Port SaP to precompute
  • REC-633 [Manual Slotting] QA Testing: Write Test Cases for Details Page in TestRails
  • REC-628 [Manual Slotting] Backend: Update nonslotted recs action eval fallback and dedupe support
  • CD3-2149 [Social Proof Impression Analytics Phase 1] Write Track events to fact table from actioneval
  • REC-619 New Relic: actionclasses:RecommendationFailure — set value too large, key
  • SDKF-2187 [Badging Action Parity] React Web SDK Documentation Update: Omnichannel Badging action integration
  • CD3-2139 [Social Proof Impression Analytics Phase 1] Create m_session_social_proof_interaction table
  • SDKF-2185 [Badging Action Parity] iOS SDK Documentation Update: Omnichannel Badging action integration
  • DEC3-1670 [Dynamic Bundles] Update Re-check for elements checkbox widget on CTL action template
  • DEC3-1662 [Non Collab] Add nested group support for monetate recommendations
  • DEC3-1630 [Dynamic Bundles] Display Messaging for a Dynamic Bundle and Recs live in Production
  • DEC3-1626 [Dynamic Bundles—Email Integration Feature Release] Creation of new Action JSON and Widget
  • REC-572 [Manual Slotting] Update various Recs Actions to exclude slotted Rec strategies
  • REC-570 [Manual Slotting] Backend: Strategy Details Page — Read/Update Operation
  • DEC3-1609 [Dynamic Bundles] Frontend: Adding Preview To Dynamic Bundles details page
  • CD3-2125 [Guitar Center] Audience Discovery not updating
  • SDKF-2167 [Badging Action Parity] Android SDK: Omnichannel Badging action integration — Image-based Badging
  • DEC3-1594 [Dynamic Bundles] Validation on Name field with error message for Dynamic Bundles and Recs details page
  • SDKF-2136 [Android SDK] SDK Publish & releasing steps and docs
  • CD3-2071 setDebug links point to the old Monetate Knowledge Base
  • CD3-2047 [Social Proof Impression Analytics Phase 1] Create fact table, loaders, etc. for SP impression fact
  • SDKF-2066 [React Native App] Home Page creation part 1
  • REC-485 [POS Enhancements] Fix broken offline purchase data tests in precompute
  • CD3-1958 [adidas] Feature flag to remove 'EXPERIENCE' from experience creation menu
  • SDKF-1985 [SDK Action — Social Proof] iOS SDK: Documentation Update for the Social Proof action
  • DEC3-1841 Preview Experience is not working in UAT
  • DEC3-1840 Status for Recommendation Strategy stuck in 'Processing'
  • REC-768 Precompute is not working for collab algos like View Also View and Purchased Also Purchased
  • REC-759 500 Internal server error is showing on Recommendation strategy, Dynamic Bundle, Slotted recommendation
  • CD3-2282 Purchase data validator allowing null fields