Build a Product Recommendations with Slotting Action

Follow these steps to create a recommendations action that uses up to four recommendation strategies.

  1. Click COMPONENTS in the top navigation bar and then select Actions.

    Callout of the Actions option in the COMPONENTS menu


    Callout of the CREATE ACTION button on the Actions list page

  3. Click the Merchandise tab and then click Intelligent Recommendation Slider (With Slotting).

    Callout of the 'Intelligent Recommendation Slider (With Slotting)' option on the Merchandise tab of Action Builder

  4. Select where on the page of your site you want the recommendation slider to appear, and then click the forward arrow. See Element Selectors for more information.

    The Relative Element Selector screen of Action Builder, with a product view DIV element selected

Clicking the forward arrow takes you to the Details tab.

Configuring the Details Settings

Follow these steps to configure the source of the recommendations that appear in the slider and the appearance of the slider.

  1. Configure as necessary the element-related options on the Details tab.
    1. Edit the selected node in Relative Element Selector.
    2. Select an option from Insert Method to determine where the recommendations slider should be inserted relative to the selected node in Relative Element Selector.
    3. Switch RecheckForElement from YES to NO only if you do not want Monetate to recheck for the selected node for up to 3 seconds if it doesn't find it immediately.
    4. Switch SelectMultipleElements from NO to YES if you want the platform to display the recommendations at every occurrence of the selected node on the page if it finds multiple occurrences.

    The Relative Element Selector field, the Insert Method selector, the RecheckForElement option and the SelectMultipleElements option on the Details tab of Action Builder

  2. Select up to four different recommendation strategies that you want the action to use, and then set the order in which they should be used.

    Input a numeral into Recommendation Strategy Sequence to designate how many products are identified using the strategy you selected for Rec Strategy A before the same number are next identified using the strategy you selected for Rec Strategy B and so forth. See Setting the Recommendation Strategy Sequence in Configure a Recommendations Action with Slotting for more information.

    The selectors for recommendation strategies A through D and the Recommendation Strategy Sequence field on the Details tab of Action Builder

  3. Enter into Minimum Items the minimum number of products the primary recommendation strategy must display before the action triggers the first fallback recommendation strategy.

    Setting the minimum at zero prevents a fallback recommendation strategy from rendering and thus cause the action to fire in all scenarios, even if no products are recommended.

    Callout of the Minimum Items field on the Details tab of Action Builder

  4. Enter into Maximum Items the maximum number of products to include in the recommendations results.

    Callout of the Maximum Items field on the Details tab of Action Builder

  5. Optionally, enter into Pinned Products the product IDs for any products that you want to always appear at the beginning of the slider.

    Callout of the Pinned Products field on the Details tab of Action Builder

  6. Optionally, select a product catalog attribute on which duplicate recommended products are removed from the results.

    Ensure that the attribute that you select is present in the product catalog configured within each recommendation strategy that you selected in step 2. This requirement doesn't apply to any fallback recommendation strategy that you select because the Remove duplicate products based on setting doesn't apply to fallback recommendation strategies.

    Callout of the 'Remove duplicate products based on' selector on the Details tab of Action Builder

  7. Select up to two fallback recommendation strategies that you want the action to use to supplement the primary recommendation strategies if they can't display enough recommended products to meet the minimum.

    Callout of the Fallback Strategy 1 selector and the Fallback Strategy 2 selector on the Details tab of Action Builder

  8. Enter into Maximum Number of Items how many products you want to appear per panel of the slider.

    Callout of the Maximum Number of Items field on the Details tab of Action Builder

  9. Select the movement of each panel of product images in the slider:
    • Horizontal – Left to Right
    • Horizontal – Right to Left
    • Vertical

    Callout of the Orientation selector on the Details tab of Action Builder

  10. Optionally, customize the HTML code that builds the slider structure in the Slider Container Template code editor.
    • Add slide navigation buttons by adding the attributes data-prev-button and data-next-button.
    • If you use arrow images for navigation, then you must include elements with the attribute data-prev-button and data-next-button for them to appear.
    • Optionally, including dynamic text by selecting and configuring an option from SELECT DYNAMIC TEXT. Refer to Add Dynamic Text to Creatives for more information about the options.

    The Slider Container Template code editor on the Details tab of Action Builder

  11. Optionally, customize the HTML code that builds the product slides in the Slide Template code editor. See Modifying the Slide Template in this documentation for more information.

    The Slide Template code editor on the Details tab of Action Builder

  12. Optionally, customize the slide visibility options in the Settings Object code editor. See Modifying the Slide Visibility Template in this documentation for more information.

    The Settings Object code editor on the Details tab of Action Builder

  13. Add an image file to Previous Button Creative and to Next Button Creative, respectively, to be used for the slider navigation buttons.
    • Click CHOOSE EXISTING to select an image from Content Manager.
    • Click GENERATE IMAGE to generate an image placeholder.
    • Click UPLOAD to select an image file on your computer or other external location and then upload it to the platform.

    The Previous Button Creative field and the Next Button Creative field on the Details tab of Action Builder

Click the forward arrow on the right-hand side of the Action Builder panel if you are ready to name and save the action. Click another tab on the left-hand side of the panel to continue configuring the new action.

Modifying the Slider CSS

Follow these steps to optionally modify the slider's CSS.

The CSS is appended to the DOM in a <style> or <link> element.

  1. Click the Styles tab.

    Callout of the Styles tab

  2. Modify the CSS in the template. Ensure you use the placeholder #MONETATE-IDas the selector for the action's wrapper ID.
    • Click CHOOSE SAVED CSS to select CSS already uploaded to the platform.
    • Click UPLOAD CSS to select a file containing CSS on your computer or other external location and then upload it to the platform.
    • Manually edit the CSS in the code editor.

    The CSS code editor and the CHOOSE SAVED CSS and UPLOAD CSS buttons on the Styles tab of Action Builder

Click the forward arrow on the right-hand side of the Action Builder panel if you're ready to name and save the action. Click another tab on the left-hand side of the panel to continue configuring the new action.

Applying Content Masking

Content masking hides an element or holds an element on a page until after Monetate's actions complete, which thus allows all site elements to appear at the same time. The Mask tab contains the settings for applying a content mask to the action you're creating.

The Mask tab in Action Builder

See Content Masking for more information on the circumstances for applying content masking and how to configure it.

Click the forward arrow on the right-hand side of the Action Builder panel if you're ready to name and save the action. Click another tab on the left-hand side of the panel to continue configuring the new action.

Adding Action Conditions

Follow these steps to optionally apply conditions that determine the circumstances that trigger the action you're creating.

  1. Click the Conditions tab.

    Callout of the Conditions tab in Action Builder

  2. Click ADD CONDITION, select a category, and then select an operator for the specific category option. See Action Conditions for more information.

    Example of the action conditions options accessible from the ADD CONDITION selector

Repeat these steps if you need to create additional action conditions, and then toggle the logic switch to OR if you want the action to fire only if one of the conditions is met.

Callout of the AND/OR toggle on the Conditions tab of Action Builder

See How Action Conditions Work Together in Action Conditions for more information.

Click the forward arrow on the right-hand side of the Action Builder panel if you're ready to name and save the action. Click another tab on the left-hand side of the panel to continue configuring the new action.

Enabling Action Inputs

The options on the Inputs tab determine which settings are available when the action that you're creating is added to an experience. All options are enabled by default.

The Inputs tab of Action Builder

For example, if you want to be able to select which recommendation strategy the action uses each time it's added to an experience, then you must ensure that a check mark appears for Recommendation Set.

The options on the tab correspond to fields, settings, and code that you configured on the Details tab and the Styles tab. If you disable, or uncheck, any option on the Inputs tab and then finish creating the action, then however you configured that option's corresponding setting on the Details tab or the Styles tab becomes fixed, and a user cannot change it when configuring the action in an experience.

Click the forward arrow on the right-hand side of the Action Builder panel if you're ready to name and save the action. Click another tab on the left-hand side of the panel to continue configuring the new action.

Saving the Action

Clicking the forward arrow when you're on any of the tabs takes you to the final step of creating the action. Follow these steps to complete the action and save it.

  1. Input a name into Action Title.
  2. Input a brief summary of the action's key configurations into Description.
  3. Input into Subcategory the heading under which you want the action listed when it appears on the Recommendations panel of an experience's WHAT settings.
  4. Click CREATE & EXIT.

The final screen of Action Builder, with the Action Title, Description, and subcategory fields and the CREATE & EXIT button

See Test an Action for instructions to deploy the action you built on your site to ensure it works as you expect.

Modifying the Slide Template

You can modify the slide template using placeholders that contain valid values, such as {{price}}. In addition to price, possible placeholder values include all product catalog attributes, including title, id, itemGroupId, salePrice, link, and imageLink.

If you want to use custom attributes from your product catalogs to modify slide templates, then contact your dedicated Customer Success Manager so that Development Services can perform the backend work required for the recommendations action to support those custom attributes.

You can also modify the slide template with these code snippets:

  • truncate— Sets the maximum number of characters of the returned data that appear before the rest is truncated
    {{title|truncate: 20}}
  • priceFormat — Formats a price based on a template of 1,000; supports currency symbols before or after the price, comma separators, and infinite decimal places to accommodate such prices points as EUR 1.000,00
    {{price|priceFormat: $1,000.00}}
  • appendParam— Adds parameters to a URL; added with a question mark (?) if the URL has no existing parameters or added with an ampersand (&) after the URL's existing parameters
    {{link|appendParam: source=monetate}}
    {{link|appendParam: source=monetate&experience=intelligentRecommendations}}

Modifying the Slide Visibility Template

You can use a variety of JSON code snippets to modify the Settings object template, which determines various factors for the movement of slides within the slider.

Use the autoRotateDuration snippet to determine how long the slider pauses in milliseconds before automatically advancing to the next slide display. The default value is 0, which disables autorotation.

The breakpoints snippet determines the breakpoints and how many slides are visible or partially visible. Consider this example:

 "breakpoints": {
    "Infinity": {
        "visible": 5
    "768": {
        "visible": 3
    "414": {
      "peekRight": 0.5,
      "visible": 1,
      "peekLeft": 0.5

This code results in the following behavior:

  • When displayed on a screen up to 414 pixels wide, one full slide appears with half a slide to the left and to the right of it is each partially displayed
  • When displayed on a screen sizes 414–768 pixels, three full slides appear
  • When displayed on a screen 768 pixels wide or greater (established by Infinity), five full slides appear

Use gridSize to enable a grid layout. The default value is 1. For example, a value of 3 sets three rows for a horizontal slider or three columns for a vertical slider.

The infiniteSlide snippet determines if the slider scrolls infinitely or stops at the end. The default value is false.

The pagination snippet determines if page navigation buttons appear. The value options are as follows:

  • none — No pagination appears; default setting
  • dots — Displays a single dot for each slide
  • dots-page — Displays a dot for each page of slides (for example, three dots appear in a slider with 18 total slides that appear six slides to a page)
  • thumbnails — Creates a thumbnail version of each slide

Only use the dots-page value if the value of slideIncrement is page.

Use pauseOnHover to determine if the slider pauses autorotation on slide hover if autoRotateDuration is set. The default value is false.

The slideIncrement snippet determines if the slider transitions by page or by single slide. The value options are as follows:

  • page — Slider transitions by page of slides; default setting
  • single — Slider transitions one single slide at a time

Use stopOnInteration to determine if the slider stops autorotating when the customer interacts with it if autoRotateDuration is set. The default value is false.

Use transitionAnimation to set the animation style for transitioning between slides. The value options are as follows:

  • push — A slide moves in from the side for a horizontal slider and from the bottom for a vertical slider; default setting
  • fade — The current slide fades out and the new one fades in
  • none — No animation is used

Use transitionDuration to determine how long the slide transition animation lasts in milliseconds. The default value is 250.

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