Configure an Omnichannel Dynamic Bundles Action

Contact your dedicated Customer Success Manager (CSM) if you want to add the Dynamic Bundles feature to your account.

Follow these steps to build an Omnichannel experience with a Dynamic Bundles action.

Your requesting application is responsible for creating the container or carousel as well as all styling for the product recommendations.

  1. Create an Omnichannel experience, and then configure the WHY and WHO settings.
  2. Click WHAT and then click ADD ACTION.

    Callout of the WHAT settings and the ADD ACTION button on the Experience Editor page

  3. Click Product Recommendations.

  4. Select the Dynamic Bundles action template that you want to use.

    Callout of the Dynamic Bundles Omni action template on the Product Recommendations panel of the WHAT settings

  5. Select the bundle that you want to use. Scroll through the list of bundles in the selector, or use the search bar to find one by name.

    Callout of the 'Dynamic Bundle strategy' selector on the Dynamic Bundles Omni action template

  6. Input the minimum number of products that must be available to trigger the action.

    Callout of the 'Minimum products returned' field on the Dynamic Bundles Omni action template

  7. Input the maximum number of products that you want to appear in the slider.

    You cannot configure a Dynamic Bundles slider to show more than nine products.

    Callout of the 'Maximum products returned' field on the Dynamic Bundles Omni action template

  8. Optionally, input into Component a CSS selector, component name, component ID, or other string identifying where the slider should appear.

    Callout of the Component field on the Dynamic Bundles Omni Action template

  9. Optionally, add one or more action conditions. Click ADD CONDITION and then navigate the categories and options to set any conditions that must be met for the action to fire. See Action Conditions for more information.

    The action condition category options accessible from the ADD CONDITION selector

  10. Click CREATE.

Finish building the experience by configuring the WHEN settings. You must also configure the request to the Engine API. See Omnichannel Dynamic Bundle Action Request in the Monetate Developer Hub for more information.

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