Customer Attributes Dataset Details Page

This content is only for clients with the one-click DATASETS option in the top navigation bar. If you click DATASETS and see Product Data and Customer Data listed as menu options, then this content doesn't apply to your account. Instead, see Customer Dataset Details Page.

You can view key information about a Customer Attributes dataset that you have uploaded to the platform both on the Datasets list page and on a dataset's details page. To access a Customer Attributes dataset's details page, click DATASETS in the top navigation, select Customer Attributes from View, and then click the name of the dataset.

The Customer Attributes dataset list page

Attributes Tab

The default view of a dataset's details page is the Attributes tab. Displayed here are all the attributes in the dataset.

A Customer Attributes dataset details page

Click the name of any attribute listed to see the following information about it:

  • Format: The data type selected, which can only be STRING, NUMBER, BOOLEAN, or DATE
  • Can target by: The operators you can use when including this attribute in a filter, such as Has value, Equal to, or Starts with
  • Active Experiences: The name of any active experience, if any, in which the attribute is employed, with the name serving as a link to that specific experience
  • Inactive & Expired Experiences: The name of any inactive or expired experience, if any, in which the attribute was employed, with the name serving as a link to that specific experience

Detailed view of an attributes on the Attributes tab of a Customer Attributes dataset's details page

See Using the Add Attribute Modal in Update a Customer Attributes Dataset for more information about adding attributes from the dataset's details page.

Setting an Identifier Name

From the Attributes tab you can create an Identifier Name for the attribute or select an existing one.

You cannot use a Customer Attributes dataset in an experience until it has an Identifier Name.

Follow these steps to add or change a dataset's Identifier Name.

  1. Click the pencil icon that appears next to No Identifier Name or the existing Identifier Name.

    Callout of the pencil icon for the Identifier Name field on a Customer Attribute dataset's details page

  2. Take one of the following actions:
    • Select an existing Identifier Name from the list.

      The 'Edit Identifier Name' modal of a Customer Attributes dataset's details page, with an existing Identifier Name selected

    • Type a new Identifier Name into CREATE A NEW IDENTIFIER NAME and then click CREATE.

      You can only use letters, numerals, and underscores in an Identifier Name.

      Callout of the CREATE A NEW IDENTIFIER NAME field and the CREATE button on the 'Edit Identifier Name' modal of a Customer Attributes dataset's details page

  3. Click SAVE.

    Callout of the SAVE button on the 'Edit Identifier Name' modal of a Customer Attributes dataset's details page

  4. Click OK in the Create New Identifier modal.

    Callout of the OK button on the 'Create New Identifier' modal

If you create a new Identifier Name, it then becomes available for use with other Customer Attributes datasets.

Uploading Data

Clicking UPLOAD DATA on the far-right side of the details page presents three options:

  • API Info: Review key details about the account's API configuration for updating the dataset
  • SFTP Info: Review key details about the account's SFTP configuration for updating the dataset
  • Data File Upload: Access the Upload Data wizard either to update select rows through a partial update or to replace the entire dataset through a full update

Callout of the UPLOAD DATA button and its 'API Info,' 'SFTP Info,' and 'Data File Upload' menu options

See Update a Customer Attributes Dataset via the Data API for more information about this dataset update option. Refer to Update a Customer Attributes Dataset via SFTP for additional guidance on the SFTP option. For assistance with the Upload Data wizard, review the information in Update a Customer Attributes Dataset.

Update History Tab

The table on the Update History tab contains information about each successful and failed update for the dataset.

  • UPLOAD DATE: The number of days, months, or years elapsed since the specific file was uploaded; the exact date and time appears in a pop-up on hover
  • FILENAME: The name of the CSV or TSV file uploaded to the platform
  • SOURCE: How the file was uploaded to the platform, which can only be WIZARD, S3, or SFTP since the table doesn't include updates sent via the Data API
  • USER: The username associated with the upload action
  • UPDATE TYPE: The type of update submitted, Initial Upload, Full, or Partial
  • ROW COUNT: The number of rows contains with the file

The 'Update History' table on the 'Update History' tab

If the platform is processing a just-uploaded file, then the Current Updates table that shows pending updates appears above the Update History table.

Callout of the 'Current Updates' table on the Update History tab, which shows information about a full update file currently being processed

Once the platform finishes processing the file, it appears at the top of the Update History table.

Downloading Datasets

You can download a file from a dataset's Update History tab. You can download files successfully uploaded to the platform as well as files that resulted in one or more upload errors.

Monetate retains dataset files for 180 days from the date it was uploaded. Once a file is out of this retention period, it still appears on the dataset's Update History tab, but you cannot download it.

If a file is available for download, its filename appears in purple in the Update History table.

The Update History tab of a Customer Attributes dataset details page. Three entries in the Update History table have filenames in purple font, indicating those files are available for download.

Click the filename and then save it to a location on your computer.

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