Configure a Product Badging Action

Building a Web experience with a product-badging action is virtually the same as building any other Web experience. However, depending on which type of badging action you select—image-based or HTML-based—you may see inputs and settings unique not only to the badging action type but also unique to the badging action created by the Development Services team at your request. Therefore, the inputs and configuration options vary, and thus the procedures in this documentation represent only the most common setup inputs. Once the Development Services team creates the badging actions you have requested, they will provide instructions specific to your custom actions.

Configuring an Image-Based Badging Action

Follow these steps to configure an image-based product badging action in a Web experience.

  1. Create a new Web experience and then configure the WHY and WHO settings.
  2. Click WHAT and then click ADD ACTION.

    Callout of the WHAT settings and of the ADD ACTION button

  3. Click Badges.

    Callout of the Badges option on the Action Type panel of the WHAT settings

  4. Click the image-based badging action template that you want to use.

    Because each badging action is unique to each account, the templates shown here may not reflect the options that appear for you.

    Example of the Badges action template options on the Badging panel of the WHAT settings

  5. Add the badge image by one of three methods:
    • Click CHOOSE to select an image file in Content Manager.
    • Click UPLOAD to navigate to an image file stored outside the platform and then upload it to Content Manager.
    • Click GENERATE to create a placeholder that you later replace.

    Callout of the CHOOSE button, the UPLOAD button, and the GENERATE button on the 'Index Image Badging' action template

  6. Take any of these optional actions after the image creative appears:
    • Click EDIT to modify the image in Content Builder.
    • Type into Link URL a hyperlink to which the customer is taken after clicking the badge.
    • Type into Title Text a description of the image to appear as a tooltip when the customer's cursor hovers over the image.
    • Type into Alt Text a description of the image that can be read aloud by screen readers used by visitors who are blind or visually impaired.
    • Click CHANGE POSITION to move the image placement on the thumbnail product image.
    • Click CLICK ZONES to add one or more clickable areas to the image.

    Callout of the EDIT button, the Link URL field, the Title Text field, the Alt Text field, the CHANGE POSITION button, and the CLICK ZONES button on the 'Index Image Badging' action template

  7. Optionally, toggle Allow Multiple Badges? from NO to YES if you want to badge the same product image thumbnail multiple times using different badging actions.

    Callout of the 'Allow Multiple Badges?' toggle

  8. If not configured when the action was created, specify where and when the badging action fires, Click ADD CONDITION, expand a condition category, select an option from the category, and then input the necessary information to complete the condition equation. See Understanding Action Conditions for more information.

    Callout of the ADD CONDITIONS selector

  9. Repeat the previous step as necessary to add however many action conditions you want for the action.
  10. Click CREATE.

    Callout of the CREATE button

Configuring an HTML-Based Badging Action

Follow these steps to configure an HTML-based product badging action within a Web experience

  1. Create a new Web experience and then configure the WHY and WHO settings.
  2. Click WHAT and then click ADD ACTION.

    Callout of the WHAT settings and of the ADD ACTION button

  3. Click Badges.

    Callout of the Badges option on the Action Type panel of the WHAT settings

  4. Click the HTML-based badging action template that you want to use.

    Because each badging action is unique to each account, the templates shown here may not reflect the options that appear for you.

    Example of the Badges action template options on the Badging panel of the WHAT settings

  5. Type into the WYSIWYG editor the text that you want inserted, and then use the editor's tools to style and format that text as necessary.

    The HTML code editor in an HTML-based product detail page badging action template

  6. Optionally, insert into Badge Text Container Style any inline style attributes that you want to use with the badge text's <div> container.
  7. Optionally, click CHOOSE SAVED CSS or UPLOAD CSS to insert CSS that overwrites existing styling in any external or browser-based stylesheet on your site. Review CSS Tips and Tricks to better understand how CSS properties included in actions within an experience work.

    The 'Badge Text Container Styles' field and the CSS code editor of an HTML-based product detail page badging action template

  8. To specify where and when the badging action fires, click ADD CONDITION, expand a condition category, select an option from the category, and then input the necessary information to complete the condition equation. See Understanding Action Conditions for more information.

    The ADD CONDITIONS selector and its options for an HTML-based product detail page badging action

  9. Repeat the previous step as necessary to add however many conditions you want for the action.
  10. Click CREATE.

    Callout of the CREATE button on an HTML-based product detail page badging action template

Understanding Action Conditions

You can use action conditions to specify the exact pages and products on which the badging action should fire. All standard action conditions, such as page type, page category, time, and cart value, can be used with badging actions.

The Development Services team may include certain built-in action conditions, such as Page type = product, for a badging action targeting product detail pages. If this is the case and you determine you want the badging action to fire on other pages, contact your dedicated Customer Success Manager or submit a support ticket using the Monetate Technical Support portal ( for assistance updating the action.

You can also use badging-specific conditions to specifically target products by either product ID (PID) or SKU, or you can use the brand or product type as defined in the product catalog.

When you begin typing a PID or SKU into the text field for the action condition you are building, a type-ahead feature displays partially matching values that exist in the product catalog. If your site has products that match the input but are not in the product catalog, then the type-ahead feature does not show them.

If you are using a badging action for a product detail page, you can use these conditions:

  • Product's ID =
  • Product's ID ≠
  • Product SKU =
  • Product SKU ≠
  • Product's product type (New Catalog Spec) starts with
  • Product's product type (New Catalog Spec) doesn't start with
  • Product's brand (New Catalog Spec) =
  • Product's brand (New Catalog Spec) ≠

If you are using a badging action for a product listing page, you can use these conditions:

  • Thumbnail's product ID =
  • Thumbnail's product ID ≠
  • Thumbnail's product ID in custom list
  • Thumbnail's product ID ≠ in custom list
  • Thumbnail's product SKU =
  • Thumbnail's product SKU ≠
  • Thumbnail's product type (New Catalog Spec) starts with
  • Thumbnail's product type (New Catalog Spec) doesn't start with
  • Thumbnail's brand (New Catalog Spec) =
  • Thumbnail's brand (New Catalog Spec) ≠
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