
Follow these steps set up an integration with Contentsquare.

  1. Click the settings cog in the top navigation bar, and then select Integration.

    Callout of the Integration option in the settings menu

  2. On the Third-Party Analytics tab, take one of the following actions:
    • If the account doesn't have any third-party analytics custom reports, then click SELECT for Contentsquare.

      Callout of the SELECT button for the Contentsquare option

    • If the account already has a third-party analytics report, then click ADD REPORT and then, if necessary, select Contentsquare.

      Callout of the 'Contentsquare' option in the ADD REPORT button menu

  3. Optionally, set Enable by default for all new experiences to YES if you want Monetate to push experience data for all new experiences to Contentsquare.

    Enabling this setting does not enable reporting for existing experiences. You must configure the reporting in each existing experience. See Enabling Contentsquare at the Experience Level for more information.

    Callout of the 'Enable by default for all new experiences' toggle

  4. Optionally, preview the code pushed to Contentsquare by clicking SHOW THE CODE BEING USED TO REPORT DATA.

    Callout of the 'SHOW THE CODE BEING USED TO REPORT DATA' button

  5. Click CREATE.

    Callout of the CREATE button

Viewing Experience Data in Contentsquare

You can list and view Monetate experiences and variants directly in Contentsquare.

  1. Click the settings cog in the top navigation bar, and then select Integration.

    Callout of the Integration option in the settings menu

  2. Click CONTENTSQUARE on the Third-Party Analytics tab.

    Callout of the CONTENTSQUARE option on the Third-Party Analytics tab

  3. Log into your Contentsquare account in a new browser tab. Click the settings cog and then select Console.

    Callout of the settings cog and of the Console option in Contentsquare

  4. Access the project you want to use Monetate with.

    Callout of a project on the Projects page of Contentsquare

  5. Click the INTEGRATIONS tab.

    Callout of the INTEGRATIONS tab of a project in the Contentsquare platform

  6. Select Monetate.

    Callout of the Monetate option on the INTEGRATIONS tab of a project in the Contentsquare platform

  7. Click ADD NEW.

    Callout of the 'ADD NEW' button for the Monetate option on the INTEGRATIONS tab of a project in the Contentsquare platform

  8. Input the API credentials.
    1. Return to the browser tab in which Monetate is active. Click COPY next to API Account Name.

      Callout of the COPY button for the 'API Account Name' field on the Contentsquare configuration panel of the Third-Party Analytics tab of the Integration page of the Monetate platform

    2. Paste the text into Account name in Contentsquare.

      Callout of the 'Account name' field on the Monetate API Integration page of the Contentsquare platform

    3. Click COPY next to API Access Token.

      Callout of the API Account Name field, the API Access Token field, and the Next button in Contentsquare

    4. Paste the text into API Key in Contentsquare.

      Callout of the 'API Key' field on the Monetate API Integration page of the Contentsquare platform

    5. Click Submit.

      Callout of the Submit button on the Monetate API Integration page of the Contentsquare platform

  9. Name the integration.

    Callout of the 'Integration name' field on the 'Set parameters' panel for a Monetate integration in the Contentsquare platform

  10. Select the sites that you want to import.
    1. Click Select the sites.

      Callout of the 'Select the sites' button on the 'Set parameters' panel for a Monetate integration in the Contentsquare platform

    2. Select one or more sites for which you want segments imported, and then click Select.

      Callout of the selection checkboxes for two retail websites and of the Select button on the 'Select a site' modal of the 'Set parameters' panel for a Monetate integration in the Contentsquare platform

  11. Click Add integration.

    Callout of the 'Add integration' button on the 'Set parameters' panel for a Monetate integration in the Contentsquare platform

The integration in Contentsquare is now complete.

Enabling Contentsquare at the Experience Level

Follow these steps to enable Contentsquare reporting for an individual active Web experience.

  1. Navigate to the experience that you want reported to Google Analytics, and then open it in Experience Editor.
  2. Click the additional options menu (...) on the Experience Editor page, and then click Third-Party Analytics.

    Callout of the 'Third-Party Analytics' option in the menu of additional options on the Experience Editor page

  3. Toggle Contentsquare to YES to have Monetate push the experience's data to Contentsquare.

    Callout of the Contentsquare toggle

  4. If you want to see a specific string in the third-party platform(s) for this specific experience, enter it into Report Label.

    The text in Report Label auto-populates with the name of the experience and its ID. Monetate reports this string to the integrated third-party platform(s). Monetate also automatically creates labels for holdout variants based on your specified variant labels. For each variant included in the holdout, Monetate appends the label with - Holdout.

    Callout of the 'Report Label' field

  5. Click SAVE to close the modal.

    Callout of the SAVE button on the 'Third-Party Analytics' modal of the Experience Editor page

You can view a table of experiences that Monetate is reporting to Contentsquare on the Contentsquare Configuration screen of the Third-Party Analytics tab of the Integration page of the Monetate platform settings.

Callout of the 'View Associated Experiences' section of the Contentsquare integration configuration

To disable Contentsquare reporting for a single experience, click its name in this table to open it in Experience Editor, then click the additional options menu (...), click Third-Party Analytics, and then toggle Contentsquare to NO in the Third-Party Analytics modal.

Testing the Integration

Follow these steps to test the connection between Monetate and Contentsquare by using the Contentsquare Tracking Setup Assistant.

  1. In a Google Chrome browser window or tab, load Contentsquare Chrome Extensions, and then click INSTALL.

    Callout of the INSTALL button on the Contentsquare Chrome Extentions webpage

  2. In the Chrome Web Store, click Add to Chrome.

    Callout of the 'Add to Chrome' button for the Contentsquare Tracking Setup Assistant in the Google Chrome Web Store

  3. Click Add extension.

    Callout of the 'Add extension' button in the 'Add Contentsquare Tracking Setup Assistant' modal

  4. Navigate to a page on your site on which an experience with Contentsquare reporting enabled is currently running.
  5. Launch the Contentsquare Tracking Setup Assistant extension, and then expand the dynamic variables tracked accordion to confirm that experiences and variants are being reported to Contentsquare for your session.

    Animated demonstration of a user activating the Contentsquare Tracking Setup Assistant extension on a page of a retailer's site on which Contentsquare Tracking Setup Assistant has identified active Monetate experiences. The user then expands the 'dynamic variables tracked' accordion and scrolls down the list of six experiences reported to Contentsquare

An experience's campaign ID is sent to Contentsquare as a dynamic variable. It is appended to the end of its corresponding entry in the Contentsquare Tracking Setup Assistant extension with an underscore (for example, AB_Mon_CSQDemo_1160975).

Evaluating an Experience in Contentsquare

When you define new Zoning, you see an option to choose an experience preview URL.

The Zoning Setup page displays a list of all experiences for your account. When you select an experience, Contentsquare provides you with a list of all possible variants for that experience.

The 'Edit URL of page preview' flyout in the Contentsquare platform

Choose a variant, and the page then refreshes to show the website as configured from that Monetate experience and also preselects a custom Segment for only visitors who have seen that specific variant/experience.

Contentsquare Zoning information overlaying a product detail page on which a Monetate experience is running

Find additional information about using the Contentsquare integration with Monetate in the Contentsquare Knowledge Base.

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