Section 2: CSS Elements


CSS Basics
HTML defines the structure of a document, not how it looks. CSS is like the skin of a webpage to provide layout and visual styling for HTML elements. Both HTML and CSS render together to create a static, non-changing website. It is important to n...
CSS Positioning
HTML defines the structure of a document, not how it looks. CSS is like the skin of a webpage to provide layout and visual styling for HTML elements. Both HTML and CSS render together to create a static, non-changing website. It is important to n...
Element Selectors
Element selectors within the Monetate Builder tools support both CSS3 and Sizzle selector syntax. You can use attribute selectors and pseudo-class selectors in both stylesheets and the Element Selector field. You can only use Sizzle selectors...
Introduction to Media Queries
A major challenge of responsive design is creating the right experience for the right device, and with thousands of devices and browser options, this can quickly become overwhelming. Different devices require variations on layout to best organiz...