Use Content Builder to Create Multiple Versions of a Creative

The Problem

I want to run a US-wide sale with individual experiences that target customers from each of the 50 states. As part of the experience, I want to display a location-specific banner and message in a modal when a customer first arrives on site. The problem, however, is that it would take my small design team almost a month to produce all the creatives needed. It's important that this experience goes out at the end of the week to stay on track with our marketing plan.


Content Builder allows you to build layered reusable content that you can use in Monetate experiences across any channel. Building 50 different creatives for your cross-country experience is a job that takes hours instead of weeks.

Have your designer create a single creative, but omit the text for now. Next, upload the asset to Content Manager so that you can then customize it.

Because you want to ensure that you stay in line with your brand, upload the specific font used on your site to Content Manager too. See Upload Fonts for the steps.

Open the creative in Content Builder. You can edit the file in a variety of ways, which are explained in the Content Builder documentation. However, the main focus now is to add text that changes depending on what state your customer is in when they see the creative. You can do this using dynamic text. Instead of your designer creating 50 different creatives or even replicating the same creative 50 times with text differences for each state, you can create one single creative that updates the text based on location.

Once you finish crafting the location-based creative in Content Builder, you can configure an experience using it.

Next Steps

If you like the way the state-based creative worked, you can use the same technique with a custom location list that you upload, such as retail locations or distribution warehouses.

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