Define a New Audience

Use Audience Explorer to create audience segments, view analytics for a custom audience segment, and then use the audience segments as WHO targets in experiences.

Creating an Audience Segment

Follow these steps to create a custom audience segment in Audience Explorer.

  1. Click AUDIENCES in the top navigation bar, and then select Audience Explorer.

    Callout of 'Audience Explorer' in the AUDIENCES top navigation menu

  2. Name the new audience segment.

    Callout of the name field for a new audience on the Audience Explorer page

  3. Click ADD FILTER, select an attribute, and then complete the filter equation by selecting an operator and then inputting or selecting a value.

    You can use most audience segments that you create in Audience Explorer as WHO targets for an experience. However, you cannot use an audience segment that includes one or more filters that use the Bounced from site attribute or the Has purchased attribute.

    Animated demonstration of a user clicking the 'ADD FILTER' button, selecting the 'Browser' attribute, selecting the EQUALS operator, and then adding the values 'Chrome' and 'Safari'

  4. Optionally, repeat the previous step to add additional filters. If necessary, click the logic connector from AND to OR.

    Callout of the filter logic connector toggle for a new audience on the Audience Explorer page

  5. Click APPLY to segment your site's traffic based on the filter(s) you created.

    Callout of the APPLY button for a new audience on the Audience Explorer page

  6. Review the table of metrics for the new audience to determine if the filters are appropriate. You can change the settings above the table to better understand the audience you've defined.
    • Select an option from OVER A PERIOD OF to change the range of historical data used to calculate the metrics in the table.
    • Select an option from AND SPLIT ON to add a secondary dimension to the data. (For example, if you create a Browser = equals Chrome filter to define the audience, you can select Operating system from AND SPLIT ON to view the data for each metric in the table broken down based on the operating systems that visitors used in the sessions reported.)
    • Select an option from COMPARE AUDIENCES to compare the new audience against an existing audience segment or all traffic for your site.
    • Click the arrowhead to the left of a metric title in the table to preview a graph of the data. Click the Display Table icon to view that metric data as a table instead.

    Callout of the table of metrics for the new audience defined by the filters applied on the Audience Explorer page


    Callout of the SAVE AS AUDIENCE button on the Audience Explorer page

You can view the newly created audience segment as well as the existing ones by clicking it in the left-hand panel of the Audience Explorer page.

Using a Custom Audience Segment in an Experience

Follow these steps to use an audience segment in an experience.

  1. Create a new Web experience and then configure the WHY settings.
  2. Click WHO and then click ADD TARGET.

    Callout of the WHO settings and of the ADD TARGET button on the Experience Editor page

  3. Click Audiences.

    Callout of the Audiences option on the Target Type panel

  4. Select the custom audience segment that you want to use.

    The Audiences target type options of the WHO settings

  5. Optionally, click to toggle INCLUDE to EXCLUDE if you want to exclude the audience segment from the experience.

    Callout of the 'visitors matching this target' INCLUDE/EXCLUDE toggle

  6. Click SAVE.

    Callout of the SAVE button on a custom audience segment WHO target

Finish configuring the experience as necessary, and then preview or activate it.

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