Build an Impression Event

You can use an impression-based event to signal that something exists or that the page exposed a customer to something but the customer didn't interact with it. For example, you can track cookies with an impression event. If your site has a cookie set of logged-in customers, you can create an impression event based on the presence of that cookie.

Impression events can be based on the following:

  • Cookie
  • JavaScript variable
  • Query parameter
  • HTML element

Follow these steps to build an impression-based event.

  1. Click COMPONENTS in the top navigation bar and then click Events.

    Callout of the Events option in the COMPONENTS menu

  2. Click CREATE EVENT.

    Callout of the CREATE EVENT button

  3. Click the Impression tab.

    Callout of the Impression tab of Event Builder

  4. Click the type of impression-based event that you want to build.

    The Impression tab of Event Builder showing the four types of impression-based event options

  5. If you selected Cookie in the previous step, take the following actions to complete the Details tab. If you selected JS Var in the previous step, skip to step 6. If you selected Query Parameter in the previous step, skip to step 7. If you selected HTML Element in the previous step, skip to step 8.
    1. Input the name of the cookie.

      When you begin typing the cookie name, Event Builder generates a list of cookies on the page that match the text that you've typed.

      Callout of the Cookie field on the Details tab

    2. Select an operator from Cookie Value Compare.

      Callout of the 'Cookie Value Compare' selector on the Details tab for a cookie-type impressions event

    3. Input the cookie value.

      Callout of the 'Cookie Value' field on the Details tab for a cookie-type impressions event

  6. If you selected JS Var in step 4, complete the Details tab.
    1. Input the name of the JavaScript variable.

      When you begin typing the variable name, Event Builder generates a list of variables on the page that match the text that you've typed.

      Callout of the Variable Name field on the Details tab for a JavaScript variable-type impression event

    2. Select an operator from Variable Value Compare.

      Callout of the 'Variable Value Compare' selector on the Details tab for a JavaScript variable-type impression event

    3. Input the JavaScript variable value.

      Callout of the 'Variable Value' field on the Details tab for a JavaScript variable-type impression event

  7. If you selected Query Parameter in step 4, complete the Details tab.
    1. Input the name of the query parameter.

      Callout of the 'Query Parameter Name' field on the Details tab

    2. Select an operator from Cookie Value Compare.

      Callout of the 'Cookie Value Compare' selector on the Details tab for a query parameter-type impression event

    3. Input the query parameter value.

      Callout of the 'Query Parameter Value' field on the Details tab for a query parameter-type impression event

  8. If you selected HTML Element in step 4, take the following actions.
    1. Use the element selector to choose the HTML element you want to use, and then click the forward arrow.

      Callout of the Element Selector field and the forward arrow

    2. Select an operator from Element Text Compare on the Details tab.

      Callout of the 'Element Text Compare' selector on the Details tab for an HTML element-type impression event

    3. Input the HTML element text value for comparison.

      Callout of the 'Element Text Value field' on the Details tab for an HTML element-type impression event

  9. Optionally, limit the event to a specific page type, URL, time, page category, or landing page. Click the Conditions tab, click ADD CONDITION, select a condition category and specific filter option, and then configure the condition equation. Click the forward arrow.

    Callout of the ADD CONDITION button with a view condition categories

  10. Type a name for the event into Event Title, type a summary into Description, and then click CREATE & EXIT.

    Callout of the Event Title field, the Description field, and the CREATE & EXIT button

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