Product Recommendations Reports

You can access three global reports and four experience-level reports, all with specific filters applied, within Monetate. They help you better understand how recommendations are performing at the account level and experience level.

Do not use tabbed browsing across multiple accounts when looking at these reports. You may experience data issues.

See Product Recommendations Reports Terminology for definitions of various report metrics.

Global Reports

The three global reports offer a high-level view of how recommendations are performing. Access the Recommendation Account Report, the Recommendation Experience Report (All), and the Recommendation Product Report by selecting Global Recommendations Reports from ANALYTICS in the top navigation bar.

Callout of the 'Global Recommendations Reports' option in the ANALYTICS menu

Recommendation Account Report

The Recommendation Account Report on the Account Summary tab contains charts and tables that indicate the overall performance of an account's recommendations program, specifically focusing on the impact that respondents have compared to visitors who didn't respond to the recommendations.

If you have multiple accounts in Monetate, then you must be in the account to see its Recommendation Account Report. You cannot change accounts from the report screen.

Example of a Recommendation Account Report

You can change the lookback period by selecting an option from Session Date and then clicking the refresh icon.

Callout of the 'Session Date' selector and of the refresh icon for the 'Recommendation Account Report'

In addition to accessing this report from ANALYTICS > Global Recommendations Reports, you can view it by clicking VIEW ACCOUNT REPORT on the Product Recommendations page.

Callout of the VIEW ACCOUNT REPORT button on the Product Recommendations page

All Recommendations Experiences Report

Click the All Experiences tab to view the Recommendation Experience Report (All).

Example of a 'Recommendation Experience Report (All)'

Its charts and graphs capture various performance metrics for all active recommendations experiences in the account for the last 7 days. You can change the lookback period by selecting an option from Session Date and then clicking the refresh icon.

The 'Recommendation Experience Report (All)' with a callout of the Session Date selector and the refresh icon

You can also narrow the scope of the report by clicking Experience ID and then selecting one or more IDs.

Product Report

Click the All Products tab to view the Recommendation Product Report. It contains information about all the products sold either directly or indirectly through recommendations for the account.

Example of a Recommendation Product Report

You can change the lookback period by selecting an option from Session Date and then clicking the refresh icon.

Callout of the 'Session Date' selector and the refresh icon for the 'Recommendation Product Report'

In addition to accessing this report from ANALYTICS > Global Recommendations Reports, you can view it by clicking VIEW PRODUCT REPORT on the Product Recommendations page.

Callout of the VIEW PRODUCT REPORT button on the Product Recommendations page

While you can view an experience-specific version of this report by selecting its ID from Experience ID, you can better access it from the experience's Experience Results page. See Product Report in the Experience-Level Reports section of this documentation for more information.

Experience-Level Reports

Four reports about different aspects of a specific recommendations experience are available so that you can better understand how that experience is performing.

Follow these steps to access one of these reports.

  1. Click ANALYTICS in the top navigation bar, and then select Experience Results.

    Callout of the 'Experience Results' option in the ANALYTICS menu

  2. Search for the recommendations experience's entry on the Experience Analytics list page.

    Callout of the search field on the Experience Analytics list page

  3. Click the experience's name.
  4. Place your mouse pointer on the Recommendations tab, and then select one of the reports from the menu.

    Callout of the Recommendations tab and its menu of experience-specific report options

The report that you select opens in a new browser tab.

Strategy Report

The Recommendation Strategy Report contains various charts and tables that indicate how the recommendation strategy or strategies selected for the experience's recommendations action has performed over the past 7 days. If the experience has multiple recommendations actions, then each one is listed along with its selected recommendation strategy.

If an experience includes a recommendations action that uses a slotted recommendation, then the report lists the individual recommendation strategies that make up the slotted recommendation. The name of the slotted recommendation doesn't appear.

Example of a Recommendation Strategy Report

You can adjust the report's lookback period by selecting and configuring as necessary an option from Session Date. After you revise the filter, click the refresh icon.

Callout of the Session Date filter and the refresh icon

Action Report

The charts and graphs in the Recommendation Action Report help you understand how each recommendations action in a recommendations experience has performed over the last 7 days. Like the Recommendation Strategy Report, the Recommendation Action Report lists each recommendations action if the experience has multiple actions. However, the Recommendation Action Report doesn't include the recommendation strategy selected for each recommendations action in the experience.

Example of a Recommendation Action Report

You can adjust the report's lookback period by selecting and configuring as necessary an option from Session Date. You can also filter which actions appear in the report by selecting options from Action ID. If you adjust any filter, ensure that you click the refresh icon.

Callout of the Action ID filter

Experience Report

This report contains various charts and tables that indicate how an experience is performing, specifically focusing on how each variant is performing.

Example of a Recommendation Experience Report

You can adjust the report's lookback period by selecting and configuring as necessary an option from Session Date and then clicking the refresh icon.

Product Report

Select Product Report to view a single table of all products directly and indirectly sold due to recommendations.

Example of a Recommendation Product Report

To adjust the report's lookback period, select and configure as necessary an option from Session Date, and then click the refresh icon.

Using Filters

The default filters applied to a report appear below the report title. Click the filters icon to hide or show the filters.

Animated demonstration of a user clicking the filters icon to hide the Experience ID and Session Date filters and then clicking the filters icon again to show the two filters

To adjust a filter, click it and then select an option. After you revise the filter(s), click the refresh icon.

To restore a report's filters to their defaults, click the additional options menu (), and then select Reset filters.

Clicking Reset filters removes the experience ID if you're viewing an experience-specific report.

Callout of the 'Reset filters' option in the additional options menu for 'Recommendation Experience Report (All)'

You cannot remove a filter from nor add additional ones to any report.

Downloading Reports

You can download a report as a PDF or CSV file. First, click the additional options menu (), select Download, and then select the file format. If you select PDF, you can select the paper size and choose certain other format options.

The Download modal showing the options available for a PDF

Click Download to generate the report, and then choose a location to save it.

Scheduling Report Deliveries

You can automatically generate and share a report on a schedule that you establish in Monetate. First, click the additional options menu (), and then select Schedule delivery.

The 'Schedule delivery' option in the additional options menu for the 'Recommendation Product Report'

On the Settings tab of the Schedule Delivery modal, select how frequently you want the report generated and the timing associated with that choice. Choose an option from Destination to determine how you want to share the report (for example, by email to specific recipients, to a specific cloud location, via SFTP to a private directory). Finally, select the report format: PDF, CSV file, or image.

The Settings tab of the Schedule Delivery modal

Optionally, click the Filters tab to adjust as necessary the filters that are available for the report that you're scheduling.

The Filters tab of the Schedule Delivery modal

The settings that appear on the Advanced options tab are determined by the option you selected from Destination and from Format on the Settings tab. The options on the Advanced options tab allow you to customize the layout, appearance, or formatting of the report data in the file generated. The one option that always appears on the Advanced options tab is Delivery timezone.

The 'Advanced options' tab of the Schedule modal

The screenshot above shows the options available on the Advanced options tab for a weekly PDF report sent via email.

After you configure the schedule and report formatting options, click Save to close the Schedule Delivery modal.