Preview an Event

You can preview events using the Monetate Inspector browser plug-in. Click the Components tab and then click Events.

Recent updates to Safari Intelligent Tracking Prevention (ITP) block third-party cookies on your website. This update means that preview mode and the Monetate Inspector browser plug-in may not work in Safari. Monetate has developed an alternative approach to delivering preview mode to the site, and clients must contact Support to have this option enabled for their account.

No workaround is available at this time for the Inspector tool. Instead, use a different browser such as Chrome to use Monetate Inspector.

Example of the Components tab of the Monetate Inspector browser plug-in

Loaded events that have not yet occurred are listed as Pending. Events that have occurred are listed as Occurred. Page event status is reset every time a page loads.

Testing Click Interaction Events

To test click-based interaction events without leaving the page, hold the command key on a Mac or the Windows key on a PC and then click the link. The link then opens in a new browser tab. After you click the link, the event status is updated in the Monetate Inspector tool from Pending to Occurred.

Click events do not track right-clicks.