Manage Stealth Groups

Monetate doesn't store Stealth Mode visitor information in a database. Since there's no historical data for these visitors, behavior-based targets don't work in an experience in which your IP address is set as a stealth visitor.

Stealth Mode Overview

Stealth Mode is an account-level setting that forces users into one group—Stealth–experiment or Stealth–control—for all experiences that include testing. Because the decision of experiment or control is forced, Stealth Mode visitors who interact with your site are excluded from experience results and reports.

Use Stealth Mode to prevent any unwanted influence to live experiences. Any IP address in Stealth Mode is excluded from all Monetate experience results and reports. You can also use Stealth Mode to ensure that everyone at your company sees a consistent version of your site.

Selecting Preview with All Active Experiences or Preview [letter] with All Active Experiences when previewing an experience will cause your current session to be marked as Stealth. Preview Mode prioritizes the experience you're previewing over other active experiences to ensure that you see it. Due to page slotting and other factors, you may qualify for a different set of experiences in Preview Mode compared to normal evaluation. Therefore, to avoid inadvertently contaminating analytics, sessions involved in an experience preview are marked as Stealth.

If you know your IP address, you can check that you're in a Stealth Group in Monetate. See Configuring Stealth Groups in this documentation to find Stealth Mode settings. If you don't know your IP address, submit a support ticket using the Monetate Technical Support portal ( to determine if you're in Stealth Mode.

Configuring Stealth Groups

Follow these steps to create a Stealth Group.

You must have Administrator privileges in the Monetate platform to enable and configure Stealth Mode for your account.

  1. Click the settings cog in the top navigation bar, and then select Sites.

    Callout of the Sites option in the settings menu

  2. Click the Stealth Groups tab.

    Callout of the 'Steal Groups' tab of the Sites page in the platform settings


    Callout of the 'CREATE STEALTH GROUP' button on the 'Stealth Groups' tab of the Sites page

  4. Input a description of the group's purpose.

    Callout of the Description field on the Edit Stealth Group modal

  5. Select the group type.
    • Control — Doesn't see any experiences; useful for members of your organization in an IT role, a sales or order entry role, or anyone who would be unnecessarily confused with or hindered by exposure to Monetate experiences
    • Experiment — Retains visibility to experiences without affecting analytics, except those experiences that use past behavior; useful for members of your organization in a marketing role who need experience visibility
    • Normal decisioning — Doesn't impact whether or not experiences are seen while still not counting toward analytics

    Callout of the Group setting on the Edit Stealth Group modal

  6. Input into Subnet the IPv4 address with subnet. Contact your company's IT department if you're unsure where to find this address.

    You must use CIDR notation in Subnet. You should only use public IPv4 formatted IP address for Stealth Mode. Inputting a private IP address returns an error. To assure that you are using a public IP, keep in mind that private IPs fall within one of three ranges:


    Currently, Monetate does not support IP address in IPv6 format.

    Callout of the Subnet field on the Edit Stealth Group modal

  7. Click SAVE.

The Stealth Groups table contains all the groups configured for your account. Click the additional options menu (...) for a group in the table to delete or edit it.

Callout of the additional options menu for a stealth group

Clicking Edit launches the same Edit Stealth Group modal that you see when you click CREATE STEALTH GROUP.

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