Cross-Device Testing

Cross-device testing changes the way Monetate handles experiment groups. Instead of randomizing a customer's experiment group based on their Monetate ID, cross-device testing randomizes a customer's experiment group based on their Person ID. Simply put, cross-device testing generates experiment groups in A/B/n, full-page, and multivariate tests based on real people. It ensures that a site visitor sees a consistent experience by placing the person in the same experiment group across devices.

If cross-device testing is enabled and a customer doesn't have a Person ID present, Monetate falls back to randomizing the experience based on the Monetate ID.

Monetate doesn't keep an identified person in the same variant for Dynamic Testing and Automated Personalization experiences if the algorithm determines that person should see another variant to maximize goal performance.


Cross-device testing leverages the Person IDs you're already collecting to ensure that all your recognized customers see a consistent experience. For example, if Jane comes to your site and is put into experiment group A on her iPad, then she is still in experiment group A when she returns to your site on her laptop computer.

Consider this example of experience inconsistency that can happen in A/B testing without cross-device testing.

John navigates to your website on his phone, qualifies for an experiment, and is placed into experiment group A. Experiment group A shows him a free shipping banner.

John is excited about free shipping, but he doesn't want to make a purchase on his tiny phone screen. He switches to his computer, but when he accesses the same site on his computer, he's placed into experiment group B. Experiment group B doesn't include the free shipping banner. John feels a bit misled.

Group inconsistency can confuse your customers. Even if John does complete his purchase now, it will be attributed to group B even though the creative for group A is what made John want to buy something in the first place.

Cross-device testing solves this problem. If John is placed in experiment group A on his phone and then comes back to the site on his computer, he's placed in experiment group A once again. John continues to see the exact same experience every time he returns to your site on any of his associated devices.


Cross-device testing sets experiment groups based on people rather than devices or browsers. This method prevents inconsistencies across groups. These inconsistencies create a disjointed and undesirable experience for your customers.

By preventing group inconsistency, cross-device testing ensures that your customers are never inadvertently placed on both sides of an experiment. This consistency leads to a lift in customer conversion rate because all the steps in a customer's journey have a consistent and relevant message.

Multiple Domains and Cross-Device Testing

Cross-device testing only works on a single domain. For example, if you run a test on domain A and domain B, then domain A and domain B are included in the same Person ID. Monetate doesn't keep an identified person in the same experiment group of each test within each domain.

Enabling Cross-Device Testing

Follow these steps to enable cross-device testing for a Person ID.

You can only enable one Person ID for cross-device at a time.

  1. Click COMPONENTS in the top navigation bar, and then select Customer View.

    Callout of the Customer View option in COMPONENTS

  2. Click the name of the Customer View to see its details page.

    Callout of the Customer View's name on the Customer Views list page


    Callout of the ENABLE FOR CROSS-DEVICE button on a Customer View's details page

  4. In the Enable Person ID modal, click the checkbox to acknowledge that you understand the implications of enabling cross-device targeting and testing, and then click ENABLE.

    The 'Enable Person ID' modal, with a callout of the acknowledgement that reads, 'I understand that I am about to enable Person ID person_id and this will affect my active experiences,' and of the ENABLE button

After you enable the Person ID, Monetate automatically begins targeting identified people based on cross-device behavior for any active experiences using a cross-device behavioral target and including identified people in their test group across devices, if applicable.

Disabling Cross-Device Testing

You can disable cross-device targeting and testing by clicking DISABLE FOR CROSS-DEVICE. This action triggers the Disable Person ID modal.

The 'Disable Person ID' modal, with a callout of the acknowledgement that reads, 'I understand that I am about to disable Person ID person_id and this will affect my active experiences,' and of the DISABLE button

After you click DISABLE in the modal, the following happens:

  • Cross-device testing and targeting stop working until you enable it for another Person ID
  • Targeting defaults to information known about customers on their current device
  • Group assignment for any active tests and any experience targeting based on customer behavior are impacted
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