Condition Options for Events

If you pass your site data to Monetate with API method calls, then the following optional conditions are available on the Conditions tab of Event Builder.

Condition Definition
Page type Determines on which page type the action fires. You specify the page type for the page when you use the setPageType method.
URL Determines on which page the action initiates as determined by a URL indicator.
Time Determines between what dates and times the specific action should initiate.
Cart Value Determines if the specific action should show before or after the visitor has a certain value in their cart. Options include greater than, less than, greater/equal to, and less/equal to any indicated value.
Landing page Indicates whether the specific action initiates on the visitor's landing page or on every page except the landing page.
Page breadcrumb Indicates whether a specific action initiates if a particular condition for the page's breadcrumb trail is satisfied. You can pass breadcrumb data to Monetate using the addBreadCrumb method.
Page category Indicates whether a specific action initiates on a particular page category. You can pass category information to Monetate using the addCategories method.
On product page Determines if the action fires on the product detail page based on the presence or absence of a certain product ID (PID), SKU, brand, PID in a custom list, product type, or product catalog attribute. You must pass SKU and PID information to Monetate using the addProductDetails method.
On index page Determines if the action fires on the index page based on the presence or absence of certain product ID (PID), SKU, brand, PID in custom list, or product type. You must pass SKU and PID information to Monetate using the addProductDetails method.

Depending on your implementation of the Monetate platform, you may not have all action conditions options available but can possibly add them. For example, clients can request that options that use a filter much like recommendation filters be enabled in the On product page category for their accounts. Contact your dedicated Client Success Manager to explore what additional action condition options might be available for your account.

Similar to WHO targets in experiences, you apply AND/OR logic to event conditions when you add multiple conditions to an event. You can also use regular expressions for URL-based event conditions.