Legacy Recommendations


Legacy Recommendations Overview
The Product Recommendations add-on lets you show relevant and complementary products across your site with the use of algorithm-driven endcaps . Product recommendations allow you to reduce bounce rate on your site, direct more traffic to product d...
Endcap Guide
Planning Endcaps The Product Recommendations add-on allows you to quickly add endcaps to any page on your site. Advanced planning for your endcaps can make your efforts as efficient as possible. You can use the steps below as a basic outline for...
Plan an Endcap
There are several things to consider when you start creating endcaps with the Product Recommendations add-on. The following worksheet is designed to help you keep track of what you need to consider and what Monetate needs to know, to build a solid e...
Track Customer Engagement with Recommendations
You can set up an engagement-based goal metric to use with a recommendations action with a URL parameter name and a URL parameter value that you can track in a custom event built in Event Builder. Creating the Custom Event Follow t...
Recommendations API
The Monetate Recommendations REST API bring recommendations from your product catalog to any digitally connected channel. This means that you can send a request to the API with a feed ID and a product ID in order to return a set of recommend...
Legacy Recommendations FAQ
When I create a merchandiser set, how is region defined in Geo Targeting? When creating a merchandiser set, region is defined as a US state. This applies the algorithm to data based on the visitor's location. How do I get product recommendations o...