Product Recommendations for Email Overview
Marketers want to send highly targeted product recommendations to existing and prospective customers. Monetate's Product Recommendations for Email feature allows you to display contextually relevant product recommendations within email campaigns t...
Create a Product Recommendations for Email Experience
Follow these steps to create a Product Recommendations for Email experience.
Click EXPERIENCES in the top navigation bar, and then select Web .
Click the drop-down arrow to the right of CREATE EXPERIENCE , and then se...
Recommendation Strategies for Recommendations Email Experiences
A Product Recommendations for Email experience relies on the same recommendation algorithms and underlying integrations as a traditional Web-based recommendations experience, which means you can use many of the same algorithms, lookup keys, ...
Run-Time Context for Recommendations Email Experiences
You can build a Product Recommendations for Email experience that dynamically sends the filters within a recommendation strategy used in the action. This filtering performed at run time is accomplished with a pass-through parameter in the em...
Customize the Recommendation Item Template
You can customize the appearance and feel of product recommendations in a Product Recommendations for Email experience by customizing the recommendation item HTML template that's in the email recommendations action template. This HTML template c...