Create an Omnichannel Experience

Regardless of the channel that you want to serve an experience on (mobile app, server-side integration for Web, etc.), the process for creating an Engine API experience is the same with the exception of the actions available for the experience.

Follow these steps to configure an Engine API experience.

  1. Click EXPERIENCES in the top navigation bar, and then select Web.

    Callout of the Web option in the EXPERIENCES menu of the top navigation bar

  2. Click the arrow to the right of CREATE EXPERIENCE, and then select Omnichannel.

    Callout of the Omnichannel option in the CREATE EXPERIENCE selector

  3. Name the experience.

    Animated demonstration of a user entering and saving a name for a Web experience

  4. Configure the WHY settings.
    1. Click WHY.

      Callout of the WHY settings on the Experience Editor page

    2. Select an experience type and then click NEXT.

      Callout of the experience type options and of the NEXT button

    3. Select a goal metric and then click NEXT. Refer to Event/Metric Mapping in Target, Event, & Condition Mapping for a table of default metrics and their respective associated Engine API events.

      Callout of the goal metric options and the NEXT button

    4. Configure as necessary the secondary metrics, and then click NEXT.

      The Secondary Metrics table, with a callout of the NEXT button

    5. Confirm that the WHY summary statement is accurate, and then click SAVE.

      The WHY summary statement, with a callout of the SAVE button

  5. Configure the WHO settings. Refer to Target Type Mapping in Target, Event, & Condition Mapping for a table of target types and their respective associated Engine API events.
    1. Click WHO and then click ADD TARGET.

      Callout of the WHO settings and of the ADD TARGET button

    2. Click a category on the Target Type panel, select a target, and then configure it as necessary. See WHO Targets in Omnichannel Experiences in this documentation for more information.

      Example of the Target Types panel of the WHO settings of an Omnichannel experience

  6. Configure the WHAT settings.
    1. Click WHAT and then click ADD ACTION.

      Callout of the WHAT settings and the ADD ACTION button

    2. Click a category on the Action Type panel, select an action template, and then configure it as necessary. See Available Omnichannel Action Types for more information about the action templates typically available for Engine API clients. See Using Action Conditions in this documentation for guidance on configuring action conditions.

      The Action Type panel of the WHAT settings

  7. Configure the WHEN settings.
    1. Click WHEN and then click START AND STOP TIME.

      Callout of the WHEN settings and of the 'START AND STOP TIME' button

    2. Configure the start and, optionally, stop date and time as well as dayparting and time zone settings as necessary, and then click SAVE. See Configure Experience Timing for more information.

      View of the Start and Stop Time configuration panel

  8. Click PREVIEW to test the experience. See Previewing an Experience for more information.

    Callout of the PREVIEW button and the options available from it

  9. Click ACTIVATE when you're ready to deploy the experience.

    Callout of the ACTIVATE button

See Calling the Engine API for more information about Engine API request calls for Omnichannel experiences.

WHO Targets in Omnichannel Experiences

Engine API experiences support most WHO targets that you can use in an experience built for a JavaScript tag implementation, with the exception of a few that rely on data specific to Monetate tag–based integrations.

In Monetate tag implementations, many of the targets are evaluated based on information passed via the request header from the browser (information such as IP address, used to determine the location and related information, and user agent, from which device type and operating system are derived).

In a server-side implementation, these are not available to Monetate and must be provided in the body of the Engine API request, as shown in this example.

"channel": "a-1d121c07/p/",
"monetateId": "5.275061469.1543777025730",
"events": [
      "eventType": "monetate:decision:DecisionRequest",
      "requestId": "11111",
      "includeReporting": true
      "eventType": "monetate:context:UserAgent",
      "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.102 Safari/537.36"
      "eventType": "monetate:context:IpAddress",
      "ipAddress": ""

Using Action Conditions

Similar to JavaScript tag-based implementations, you can apply action conditions to the actions you configure in Engine API experiences.

For example, if you want an action to appear on a particular page type, click ADD CONDITION, expand the options of the Page type category, and then select Page type =.

Callout of the 'Page type = option' in the 'Page type' category of the action conditions selector

Type the page type into the field to complete the action condition. The page type is defined by the setPageType data you pass to the platform.

Here is the request body with pageType specified in the PageView event:

"channel": "a-1d121c07/p/",
"monetateId": "5.275061469.1543777025730",
"events": [
      "eventType": "monetate:decision:DecisionRequest",
      "requestId": "11111",
      "includeReporting": true
      "eventType": "monetate:context:PageView",
      "pageType": "home",
      "url": "test/foo"

Refer to Action Condition Mapping in Target, Event, & Condition Mapping for a table of action condition options and their respective associated Engine API events.

Previewing an Experience

The experience preview has two functionalities:

  • Experience Preview: This preview mimics experience evaluation in full so anyone who views it is evaluated as if they are a normal site visitor. To qualify for the experience, you must satisfy any targets and action conditions associated with the experience. The Engine API also decides what split you should see and then serves it.
  • Variant Preview: This preview allows you to see the content returned by a specific variant. Anyone who views it sees the actions associated with the chosen variant when they satisfy the action conditions. Variant preview disregards any targets set in the experience.

The experience preview loads in a new browser window or tab. The URL is typically for the account's home page and includes a preview query parameter. The value for the parameter is an encoded preview token.

Here is an example of a preview URL:

In a JavaScript tag-based implementation, the Monetate tag recognizes the preview parameter, adds it to its own call to the Monetate platform, and then applies the relevant actions to preview.

However, for Engine API integrations you must provide the preview token to the Engine API call.

The preview token is valid for 1 hour.

Here is a code sample for passing the preview parameter.

  "preview: "preview token",
  "events": [
      "pageType": "home",
      "eventType": "monetate:context:PageView"