

Event Builder Overview
Event Builder is a metric discovery tool that allows you to track interaction, impression, and page URL events. These events provide important data that would otherwise fall outside of the scope of traditional conversion metrics. Benefits ...
Events List Page
The Events list page displays any custom events that you have created to track interactions, impressions, and other event types on your site. To access it click COMPONENTS in the top navigation bar, and then select Events . ...
Create an Interaction Event
Interaction events can be based on these types of actions customers take on your site: Click : Track when customers click a specific element, such as a banner, image, or link, on your site Form Submit : Track when customers successful...
Create an Impression Event
You can use an impression-based event to signal that something exists or that the page exposed a customer to something but the customer didn't interact with it. For example, you can track cookies with an impression event. If your site has a cook...
Create a Page URL Event
Use events based on page URLs to track if a customer visits a certain page or set of pages. For example, you can track when a site visitor lands on a page that contains the word sale in the URL. Follow these steps to build an event base...
Create API Events
Use an API event to track and analyze visitor behavior on your site beyond the typical interactions, impressions, and URL goals that you create using Event Builder. With an API event you can track any event that is relevant to your business ...
Preview an Event
You can preview events using the Monetate Inspector browser plug-in. Click the Components tab and then click Events . Recent updates to Safari Intelligent Tracking Prevention (ITP) block third-party cookies on your website. This up...
Condition Options for Events
If you pass your site data to Monetate with API method calls , then the following optional conditions are available on the Conditions tab of Event Builder. Condition Definition Page type Determines on which page type th...
Custom Metrics in Experience Analytics
Follow these steps to view the analytics for a custom metric that you added to a Web experience. Click EXPERIENCES in the top navigation bar and then select Web . Search for or scroll to find the experience that includes the...
Track Clicks on Sale Items
You can create a Web experience that tracks clicks or other interactions with products on sale by creating a custom event in Event Builder to track these clicks. Creating the Custom Event Follow these steps to create the click-trac...
Event Builder FAQ
Can I use multiple values when tracking a cookie value? No, you can only input a single value in Cookie Value . You can select the Contains , Equals , Starts with from Cookie Value Compare to further delineate what cookie you want ...