Personalized Search Dashboard Analytics

The Personalized Search dashboard displays overall search analytics.


Personalized search dashboard displaying analytics.

Data from the selected date range is displayed. This data includes:

  • Total Searched Queries: The number of queries executed by customers within the selected range. Note that while each search query might fire multiple queries in the API, this is always counted as a single query for this analytic.
  • Total Product Clicks: The number of product clicks as a result of search.
  • Top Location: The most frequent location of searches.
  • Search Led Sales: The total sales generated through search.

The following data is displayed in tabs on the dashboard:


This tab displays the most frequently searched keywords within the selected range. This tab also displays a list of keywords customers searched for and received zero results.

Keyword display on the personalized search dashboard.


This tab displays the most frequently clicked products within the selected range. The number of product clicks and search keywords are displayed for each product.

Clicks tab on the personalized search dashboard.

Live View

Live view of personalized search analytics.

  • Top 10 Full Term Searches: A list of the ten most frequently searched terms, as well as the total search count for each term.

Enhanced Analytics

The Enhanced Analytics section displays more detailed data for analytics. Analytics data can be further filtered by the following settings:

Enhanced Analytics settings panel.

  • Date range: The time period to display search analytics data from.
  • Location: The location of searches. If you apply a filter, a dropdown menu appears to let you select the city or country.

Enhanced analytics data are displayed across the following tabs:

Key Metrics

This tab displays the key metrics for your personalized search experience.

Query data in key metrics of the enhanced analytics tab.

This panel consists of the following analytics:

  • Click Through Rate: The percentage of searches that result in a product click. A high rate indicates that searches are providing customers with exactly what they are looking for.
  • Sales Conversion Rate: The percentage of your storefront's sales that are a result of a search.
  • Total Search Queries: The total number of full-term search queries executed. This consists of full queries, not auto-suggest results.
  • Search Queries: A graphical representation of search queries over time.
  • Average Queries per Search User: The average number of full-term search queries executed per user.

User data in key metrics of the enhanced analytics tab.

This panel consists of the following analytics:

  • Total Search Users: The total number of users who used personalized search.
  • Search Users: A graphical representation of search users over time.
  • Average Clicks per Search User: The average number of product clicks per search user. A high number indicates more active engagement with your storefront.

Sales data in key metrics of the enhanced analytics tab.

This panel consists of the following analytics:

  • Search Led Sales: The total amount of sales generated through search.
  • Sales: A graphical representation of sales over time.
  • Average Product Revenue: The total sales generated by search divided by the quantity of products that made up those sales. This indicates the average product value of products purchased through search.

Search Term Analysis

This tab contains analytics about individual search terms used by customers.

Word graph of the search term analytics.

The word graph is a visual representation of how shoppers use certain terms together. The strength of the relationship in terms is indicated by the thickness of the connecting line. In the above example, the term "t" is often associated with the term "shirt" in searches. Seeing these associations can help you understand the trend, behavior, and psyche of your shoppers.

You can add additional terms to the graph by selecting them from the listed top terms or by typing them into the text box. Terms added to the graph are outlined in dark blue.

Top 10 search terms and search terms by device in search analytics.

  • Top 10 Full Term Searches: A list of the ten most frequently searched terms, as well as the total search count for each term.

Filter Analysis

This tab contains analytics about filters used by customers.

Filter analysis in the search analytics.

  • Most Popular Filters: The ten most-used filters used by users in searches. You can expand each filter to reveal the top five values used in each of these filters.
  • Distribution of Filter Clicks: A pie chart representing the frequency of these filters.

Most popular filter values, percentage of filters used, and filter usage by device in search analytics.

  • Most Popular Filter-Values: The ten most popular pairs of filters and values. This also includes a percentage makeup of all filter usage and the number of times this filter-value pair was applied.
  • Filters Usage Share: The percentage of users who used filters in their searches.