
The addCruiseSearch method passes information from your site to Monetate when a customer searches for a cruise. This method consists of six optional attributes:

  • dtBegin — A string that includes the cruise start date in YYYYMMDD format
  • dtEnd — A string that includes the cruise end date in YYYYMMDD format
  • port — A string that includes the cruise's port of departure
  • dest — A string that includes the cruise's port of destination
  • duration — An integer that includes the cruise's duration in days
  • ship — A string that includes the name of the cruise ship

Although none of these attributes are required, you should use as many as possible to unlock the best results for your cruise search targets.

Code Sample

// addCruiseSearch Method
window.monetateQ = window.monetateQ || [];
window.monetateQ.push(['addCruiseSearch', {
  // Optional
  'dtBegin': ['20260601'], // June 1, 2026
  'dtEnd': ['20260605'], // June 5, 2026
  'port': ['Port Royal'],
  'dest': ['Tortuga'],
  'duration': [5],
  'ship': ['The Black Pearl']