All Page Types


The setPageType method sends to Monetate the page type for a page that a site visitor is viewing. This information allows you to limit actions to specific page types when you add action conditions to Web experiences and are an alternative to m...
The addBreadcrumbs method and the addCategories method have similar functionality, and you can use them interchangeably. The addCategories method is an array of strings that allows you to add identifiers to a trackData call....
The addBreadcrumbs method and the addCategories method have similar functionality, and you can them interchangeably. You can use the addBreadcrumbs method to add a breadcrumb trail for a site visitor's navigation. This infor...
Home Page Example
Your site's home page is its main page and is usually where customers land when they arrive. The home page is the main page type on your site. When you create an experience that targets an action on the home page, select the ...