Variable Field Length

Certain properties available for each method call have a maximum field length. Any field with a maximum length is listed in this table.

Attribute Data Type Maximum Example
purchase_id VARCHAR 50 "123456789"
sku VARCHAR 50 "123456789"
pid VARCHAR 50 "123456789"
quantity INT 11 "123456789101"
unit_price DECIMAL 9,2 "900999500.00"
currency VARCHAR 3 "$"
trackEvent VARCHAR 32 "50140"

Important Considerations


Duplicate purchase_id entries are removed. Each entry's purchase_id must be unique.

Subsequent purchase_id entries do not need to be incremental.

Product-Related Fields

Products details (addProductDetails), cart, and conversion are stored historically against the customer profile.

Products (addProducts), page types, and custom variables are not stored and are page temporal.