Create an Image-Based Badging Action

The product badging feature allows clients to apply some treatment to specific items on product listing pages and product detail pages to draw site visitors' attention to those items to foster engagement. Product badging highlights key attributes of items that might not otherwise jump out to visitors navigating products on the site.

A product badge frequently appears as a digital promotional sticker displayed atop the product image to indicate that the item is a bestseller or a top-rated product. These labels serve as customer endorsements, allowing shoppers to more quickly locate popular products on a page.

You can set up a handler for Omnichannel badging actions using two methods. The addEvents method defines the events that can trigger the action. The getActionsData method is then used as the trigger and requests the experience based on the defined events. getActionsData then returns a JSON object containing badging image data that you can then handle in code.


You must first create an Omnichannel badging action within Monetate for the methods to reference. Refer to Configure an Omnichannel Product Badging Action for instructions.

This action uses Product Thumbnail View as an event listener. To accomplish this, you must set Thumbnail's product ID = as one of the conditions. Make note of this product ID so that you can pass the appropriate ID in code.

Optionally, you can add other conditions to this action. If you do, make note of those so that you can pass those as relevant events.


This method adds a local event to the SDK's internal stack.

public void addEvent(String context, Object event)


  • context is name of the event. (Required)
  • event is the event data. (Required)

For an Omnichannel Badging action, use the ContextProductThumbnailView event as your context. Pass a list of product IDs that you want to set up a badge for as your events data.

// Events/context
ProductThumbnailView productThumbnailView = new ProductThumbnailView();

// addEvent
personalization.addEvent(EventTypes.ContextProductThumbnailView, productThumbnailView);

If you added other conditions to your Omnichannel Badging action, use additional calls of this method to handle them with the appropriate events and data.


This method sends the defined events to Monetate to trigger an experience. If the events fulfill the WHO settings of an experience, that experience is triggered. A JSON object containing the experience response is then returned.

public String getActionsData(String[] actionTypes, boolean includeReports)


  • actionTypes is the type of action you want to request. You can specify one action or multiple actions in an array to handle.
  • includeReports indicates whether the response will have impression reporting data.

Use OmniChannelImageBadging as the action type for this method.

responseData = personalization.getActionsData(new String[]{"monetate:action:OmniChannelImageBadging"},true);

Full Code Example

Complete code example blocks are listed below.

// Events and context data
ProductThumbnailView productThumbnailView = new ProductThumbnailView();
productThumbnailView.setProducts(new String[]

// addEvent
personalization.addEvent(EventTypes.ContextProductThumbnailView, productThumbnailView);

new Thread(new Runnable()
  public void run()
    // Gets the responseData using getActionsData
    responseData = personalization.getActions(EventTypes.ContextIpAddress, address, new String[]
    }, true);
    // Once you receive the responseData from getActionsData, use the Handler and parse the required data from it 
    new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()).post(new Runnable()
      public void run()
        // Parse the received responseData, get the requiredData from it and use it accordingly
          // Example: textView.setText(requiredData);
        catch (Exception ex)
          // Catch any exception that occurs while parsing 

You must handle the getActions method in a Thread or AsyncTask. To update the main thread, you can use either Handler or runOnUiThread. The code example above uses Thread and Handler to update the main thread and change the UI.

Response Data

An example of the JSON data returned from getActionsData is below. Handle this response in your code accordingly to render the data in your UI as you see fit.

  "actions": [
      "image_content": {
        "version": 2,
        "clickzones": [],
        "contentId": 775504,
        "top": 0,
        "title": "Test-Badge",
        "href": "",
        "iwidth": 40,
        "alt": "Alt-Test-Badge",
        "iheight": 40,
        "ref": "",
        "left": 180
      "actionType": "monetate:action:OmniChannelImageBadging",
      "actionId": 4959427,
      "application_data": {
        "test": "React-native SDK"
      "positioning_hint": "center",
      "pids": [
  "requestId": "81.2272963332645"